The U.S. needs to reopen but it can’t be “business as usual”

How Do Empty Storefronts Affect West Harlem? - Columbia Daily ...

Let’s ignore all the mixed messages from Washington and all the fearmongering from Corporate Media. The simple fact of the matter is the U.S. needs to start reopening ASAP. At the same time, we absolutely can’t pretend the Corona Virus isn’t still around. Just like after 9/11, we will need to change how we live until a vaccine and other effective treatments have been developed.

We owe it to those who’ve died so far as those working on the front lines in hospitals to not add to either the body count  or number of infected. We all know the numbers of dead and infected both nationally and internationally are likely much higher than reported.

Asymthomatic Transmission is the phrase folks should learn and learn well because it’s how most people including myself got infected. It basically means someone can infect someone else even if the carrier does not feel sick themselves. In my case, technically I could’ve come out of quarantine 7 days after I tested positive last month. I decided to stay in quarantine another week as a precaution because I wanted to make sure I was no longer capable of Asympthomatic Transmission.

That is why government officials across the U.S. and internationally are in no rush to reopen. We simply do not know who could be walking around with the virus in their system right now and they themselves don’t even know they have it. Antibody Tests will help with this obviously. Does everyone need to be tested? Obviously not. If you may have been exposed to someone who later tested positive then yes you probably should get tested.

All that said. Yes, we should start working on reopening the country on a rolling basis. We will also need to change our daily routines like it or not moving forward. This is where “We can’t go back to business as usual” comes in and this is the part most screaming for the country to be reopened two months ago do not get.

In terms of how that will look, it depends on the industry or field we’re talking about. There is no one size fits all in short. At the very least, everyone will definitely need to wear face masks while in public and especially while in shopping centers, hospitals or restaurants.

Speaking of. Grocery Stores, restaurants and businesses will likely have a hard cap on how many people they allow inside at any time. If you’re in a hurry, time when you go is what I’ll say. Most importantly, don’t cause trouble for employees who are just following safety protocols.

Dr. Anthony Fauci nominated for Sexiest Man Alive, as Fauci merch ...

As everyone is aware by now, Dr. Anthony Fauci has prettymuch become the face of the U.S. Corona Virus Task Force over the last few months. As he reminded someone in an interview this week he considers himself a scientist, doctor and researcher before everything else.

Trump Supporters have become increasingly wary of him and have been putting pressure on Trump to reopen the country over the last two months now. Trump stopped hiding the fact he doesn’t want to listen to Dr. Fauci anymore last month but at the same time he can’t get rid of him beause he needs Dr. Fauci’s expertise. He’s also likely figured out it’s to his advantage to let Dr. Fauci take point while he focuses on keeping his base happy and the media distracted.

Folks need to also remember about 6 weeks ago it was announced Dr. Fauci was getting a security detail after getting death threats. The Dems love him and many consider him a national hero of sorts. That means the death threats had to have come from Trump supporters who think Dr. Fauci wants to keep the country shut down indefinitely so the government can use the pandemic as an excuse to issue martial law. It’s unlikely to be foreign agents because they already know politically, the U.S. is a giant dumpster fire and they only need to watch the show.

Dr. Fauci was in his current role for the AIDS Pandemic during the 1980s and he took a lot of heat during that time. Many people accused him of murder, feeling he didn’t do enough during the early years of the AIDS epidemic. Those feelings came from the fact he was trained as a Jesuit doctor and by extension his loyalties lie with the Pope before anyone else if given the choice. He claims he is a scientist before anything else but I doubt that’s entirely true. I am pretty sure he never forgot what happened back then and it’s resolved him to do everything he can to help the country.

The media–especially both Fox “News” and CNN–seem intent on pushing the narrative “Trump vs. Dr. Fauci” because they have nothing better to do. A lot of it has to do with the simple fact their worldviews are totally different. It’s safe to say Dr. Fauci has zero interest in doing anything outside his role and has worked with both Democrat and Republican presidents. He is non-partisan.

Trump wasn’t lying when he said many people are very angry over the prolonged shutdown due to the Pandemic. More so given obviously most people are getting no help to offset lost revenue or wages. The anger IS real and believe it or not, justified. That doesn’t mean we can go back to business as usual like I’ve been saying to now though. What we need to do is normalize a lot of new things quick, fast and in a hurry so we can reopen though.

The idea that the government could use the pandemic or something like a terrorist attack or war to do large-scale invasive surveilence is nothing new if you remember 9/11. That’s what The Patriot Act–anyone remember that controversal legislation from 2001?–was originally written to do before it was revised.

Government Overreach is a matter folks should definitely keep an eye on because it will happen sooner or later. I’ve said this a few times already but this Pandemic served as a giant mirror for the country and the world. Most Americans agree the government let them down in one way or another with this pandemic.

Whew…ok I need to stop here. I had two other things  I was gonna get into but after what I just read, I need to give them separate posts. Stay tuned.


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Investigations on COVID-19’s origins point to Biological Weapons Research

Coronavirus Epidemic Draws Scrutiny to Labs Handling Deadly ...

As the proverbial curve with this Pandemic finally begins to flatten worldwide, investigators and reporters are actually able to focus a bit more on investigating this virus’s origins: The Infectious Diseases Research Lab in Wuhan, China. The eyes of the world are focused on this facility that had been conducting research on infected bats taken from a Wet Market in the city toward the end of last year.

It is no secret most modern nations including the United States have deadly diseases stored in labs worldwide. Most are being kept for research and vaccine development purposes but we do know for a fact some diseases like Smallpox have already been weaponized by the U.S., British and Russian governments to name a few countries.

See, all of these countries plus others have a stockpile of nukes. The Doomsday Clock measures how close the world is to nuclear war but a Biological Weapon is arguably much worse. Every country with nukes has some countermeasures in place but no country in the history of the world has ever had any sort of countermeasures for an Epidemic or a Pandemic. See the current one still in progress for case examples.

Now, Trump let it slip the other day he clearly knows more than he’s at liberty to publicly reveal–yet–about the investigation. CNN side-waved it but I’m sure even their people at least suspect there is strong evidence that points to Biological Weapons Research at the Wuhan Lab in question by this point.

This is one of those “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire” kinds of situations in regards to this very likely possability. Before I explain my reasoning, I do agree with the Intelligence Reports that have firmly ruled out COVID-19 was a man made virus. We know for sure because too many non-government researchers have been looking at its genetic code for months and have found no evidence it was either artificially modified or artificially engineered. Yes it mutated to infect humans but humans weren’t the cause of that.

All that said. There is credible but so far circumstantial evidence that implies researchers at the Wuhan lab planned to do Biological Weapons Research with COVID-19.

Here’s the evidence that points to this:

  • The 2002/2003 SARS Outbreak. I only just learned of this but the SARS Virus was codenaned CoV-1. The Corona Virus’ codename is CoV-2. In other words, both viruses are from the same family. Both viruses mutated from bats to infect humans. SARS killed around 800 people. COVID-19’s death count will likely pass 300,000 by the start of the summer.
  • It would not be a stretch to assume Chinese researchers found Corona Virus in bats at a Wet Market and started collecting samples. Using data from SARS wanted to find out how much more dangerous this new strain was compared to the SARS outbreak from 2002-03. Using SARS data as a reference since it came from the same family, they were likely planning to look into seeing if it could be weaponized. It’s safe to say at this point the firm answer they got was (Hell) No because it’s far too dangerous to even try.
  • It’s very possible the Chinese government may have considered eventually doing a controlled release of the virus within their boarders but certainly not without first developing countermeasures such as a vaccine or “kill switch” in advance as a failsafe. They had no way of knowing how dangerous it was until after it got into the general population.
  • The biggest evidence COVID-19 was not engineered is not just the fact there is no vaccine but no one has immunity. If Chinese researchers had the chance use it on human test subjects, they could have used antibodies from those test subjects to develop a vaccine.
  • It goes without saying everyone knows China’s COVID-19 deaths and infections are much higher than reported. We know for a fact the Chinese government told medical examiners to exclude those who had respiratory conditions such as asthma or pneumonia as COVID-19 deaths. They did not want their own people to know they were in the early stages of a Global Pandemic so…yeah.

Basically, what happened was gross negligence and almost 300,000 people have died as a result, almost a third of them in the U.S. What’s most interesting and worth remembering is info on this virus is learned on an almost daily basis worldwide at the same time.

Having said all this, you can’t ignore evidence that seems to suggest this virus may have actually out there for some time and when I say “for some time”, I mean for years. It may not have been known but it actually was out there for some time. Like SARS, it mutated to infect humans and that’s likely why it wasn’t paid much attention to before.

I certainly do agree with most experts who’ve been saying we will likely have to live with the Corona Virus for at least the next 2 to 3 years minimum. At the same time, there will be time to focus on who should’ve done what when and all that but that time is definitely not now. The focus needs to be on preventing people from needlessly dying or getting infected.


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