Reminder: Donald Trump loves Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy theory group QAnon appears at Trump rally - CNN Video

When you remember that, “Obamagate” as he calls it should make a whole lot more sense. Of course it’s not a real thing. It’s just another misdirection tactic he used only this time every sane person listening knew it was complete and utter nonsense he tried to feed them. It’s not real and he knows it. That was code for the growing number of fringe supporters out there to latch on to.

Have you heard on Qanon? Neither did I until about I came upon it by chance last night. In fact, I stopped writing my previous post just so could tell you here. The sad irony is the anonymous creator of Qanon known simply as “Q” is clearly a Trump supporter and likely worships him.

To make a long story short, Qanon believers (conveniently) believe Trump is in a secret war with The Deep State, a shadowy organization that they believe controls the U.S. Government. Members of The Deep State are (conveniently) liberal celebrities, Democrats and their supporters. There actually is a Liberal version of this in which the Rich and Powerful are Deep State but the premise is the same in short. Yes, people legit believe this.

Now, it’s no secret Trump loves Conspiracy Theories. He loves Qanon in particular because he’s the hero and even better, he can quickly disavow it if he stops liking it or it makes him look bad. When you think about all this, the disturbing but also sad reality is as far as Trump and Qanon believers care everyone who died to COVID-19 are “collateral damage for the cause”. Some of them even believe COVID-19 was released by The Deep State using China as a proxy for population control. They point to the U.S. leading the world with deaths and infections as proof of their beliefs. That’s what many Qanon believers are telling themselves and each other.

Mind, you this is aside from those who already believe COVID-19 is a biological weapon or population control and I don’t mean just the obivious Conspiracy Theorists.

As a reminder, Americans in general don’t like being told what to do. A Revolutionary War and a Civil War were both basically fought for just this reason. Most who oppose making lifestyle changes during this pandemic simply don’t want to be told what to do because “Government Overreach” or “No one tells me what to do”.

Anywho, most will agree the Federal Government failed its people. Even when Trump leaves office–weather it’s next year or four years from now–it’s fair to say for most Americans, their trust in the U.S. Government is beyond repair.

You don’t need to believe in bizarre conspiracy theories like Qanon to know the collapse of the U.S. is an inevitability.  Like the Roman Empire, it will be from a combination of things that built up over time. Based on just the last 20 years, it’s a real possability it could happen in my lifetime.

A Mass Migration Crisis, and It May Yet Get Worse - The New York Times

…The media hasn’t talked about this for almost two years now but as a reminder, there is an ongoing global mass migration crisis. I watched a documentary called Human Flow on Amazon Prime Video just before I tested positive for COVID-19 and it brought me to tears.

Those who have been following the Mass Migration crsis in Europe and obviously Latin America are warning it will get worse as the countries most refugees flee from collapse due to a combination of civil war, famine, political corruption, genocide and terrorism.

According to one statistic from Amnesty International and the United Nations, people in refugee camps live there for an average of 35 years. Turkey leads the world in Refugees with almost 3.7 Million displaced persons from across the Middle East and Northeast Africa. Did I forget to also mention the European Union offered Turkey 500 Million Euros to pay to host refugees fleeing to Europe from the Middle East and Africa?

Basically, “We’ll give you this money to host these refugees we don’t want in Europe” is what it is. Turkey acts as a bulwark or buffer for the only overland route to Europe from the Middle East for refugees.  In exchange, the EU will turn a blind eye to Turkey’s bad politics.

This is also why Refugees switched to crossing the Mediterranean Sea by raft or boat from the African coast about five years ago. Italy and Greece have been overwhelmed by the influx of refugees who literally risked their lives looking for help only to be told by most of Europe they to “go back where they came from”. Germany and the UK are accepting refugees but their immediate neighbors–France, Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovenia–have all closed their boarders to refugees and sealed them off with fences, personnel and barricades.

Propaganda being spread in Europe has painted these displaced people as “criminals”, “disease-laden” or “Freeloaders”. That should sound familiar to anyone in the U.S. with how some regard people from Latin America. The sad irony those who are content to set back and ignore the suffering of others like that–many of them displaced because of wars both Europe and the U.S. created or supported in some way–is there will come  time when it will be OUR turn to seek shelter elsewhere.

I mentioned earlier I believe the U.S. could collapse in my lifetime. That’s not any conspiracy or theory. The warning signs are in plain sight. I’ll explain my reasoning in more detail–and predictable steps the U.S. will take to keep in power–in a future post.

Those who are both Conservative and Liberal have long been planning for a different America from the one we know now. This pandemic was a reminder to many  Americans on why people should not rely on the government for help when they need it the most.

At the same time, that doesn’t give everyone a free pass to use whatever they believe in be it Conspracy Fact or Conspiracy Theory to ignore the rule of law or disregard human life. If what you believe in or believe says it’s ok to either make people suffer, hurt others or deny help to people in need that’s not something good at all.

Whew. I covered a whole bunch of stuff and I wouldn’t be surprised if I made most of those who read this feeling very, very confused. It’s the biggest reason I actually don’t like talking about baseless conspiracy theories in general on any of my blogs for the same reason corporate media doesn’t: They don’t need or deserve the attention that would bring.

See, the latest batches of Conspiracy Theories have the same themes in general. It’s either “Government Overreach”, “Shadow Government”, Perceived Marginalization, Unwillingness to Accept Reality or combination of all. I am not saying everyone should research every single one out there. I am saying  knowing about them does help explain why some people behave the way they do or talk the way they do though.

Remember: In their minds, their perception is their reality. Understanding why some people believe what they do can help not just with countermeasures but addressing the actual root problems themselves. It’s not that diffrent from racism when you think about it. 100% of racial bias stems from a firsthand or secondhand experience. The same concept applies to Conspiracy Theories in general.

24 conspiracy theories Donald Trump has floated over the years ...

The simple fact of the matter is Donald Trump only cares about Donald Trump and to hell with anyone else. Period. Tne Media has been pushing the whole Trump vs. Dr. Fauci narrative for ratings. Rush Limbaugh threw Trump an idea he probably has already been doing: Praise Dr. Fauci publicly but ignore him privately.

It is worth noting even Fox “News” is in line with the rest of corporate media in not promoting Trump’s “alternative facts” since this pandemic came to the U.S. That’s because even THEY recognize the danger in promoting misinformation that has to do with the ongoing public health crisis Trump is telling his base “is under control”.

The inconvenient truth is Trump ensured the U.S. was not prepared for this pandemic. He never wanted to touch it mostly because this is an election year and I have no doubt he is desperately looking for a scapegoat to parade in front of his supporters. His attempt to blame Obama Wednesday afternoon with “Obamagate” is yet another example of this.

It’s on him like it or not and he has made it clear this week he’s done pretending to care how many people have died or will die from this virus anymore. Inhumane isn’t even the word for it. Just heartless. All he ever cared about is looking good to his supporters and he’s done pretending otherwise.

Like I said in a recent post, this Pandemic ensured Trump will be a one-term president. Most of the damage he’s done to the country just from this Pandemic alone is beyond repair. We just don’t know how much and how deep it is yet. We’ll find out soner than later though.

One of the many secondary man-made disasters people need to start thinking about from now–and I will discuss this in an upcoming post–are people desperate to survive breaking into homes, robbing businesses and mugging people. I don’t mean criminals but just people desperate to survive. It’s coming and don’t expect the media to pick it up right awat.

Even before this Pandemic hit the U.S., most agreed his presidency was a failure. Now it’s just a matter of formality at this point. Trump could certainly still win reelection in November by default. I only just now didn’t realize that’s a real possability because of the Pandemic. By that, I mean Trump securing the votes to win simply because those who would vote blue would stay home like they did in 2016. I mentioned earlier many people feel jaded toward the U.S. Government. This Pandemic gave a lot of folks good reason to feel that way for the first time. All we can do at this point is wait and see.


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