The Dems’ open hostility toward The Forward Party exposes the fact they view a third party as a legit threat to their interests

Opinion | Most third parties have failed. Here's why our Forward Party won't. - The Washington Post

I’ve listening to various podcasts and videos from prominent Democratic voices and ALL of them speak of the rise of a potential third party with so much open hostility, you’d think it was the GOP. The fact of the matter is they have made it party policy to blame third party candidates for 2000 (Al Gore) and 2016 (Clinton). Bernie Sanders did them the favor of not running as a third party candidate in 2016 and the Dems thanked him by sabotaging his campaign and forcing him to step aside for Hillary Clinton.

This is all the more reason America NEEDS a third party. Enough of the Duopoly the Dems and GOP have had for most of this country’s history. It’s time for change. If the Dems view third parties as more of a threat than the GOP, the Forward Party should lean hard into that. Dems are making the case former Republicans who joined the Forward Party only did so because they hate Trumpism. They say those ex-GOP will go back as soon as Trumpism is gone. Or rather, that’s their hope.

The truth is the Dems want those ex-GOP and Independents who joined the Forward Party (and other third parties) for themselves. This is exactly WHY more parties are needed. More, not less. More parties will take away the emphasis on party affiliation and that’s exactly what should happen at this point. The Dems are in no position to try to take on The Forward Party now or anytime soon. They have more important things that demand their full attention like holding on to one or both houses of Congress for starters.



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President Biden vows enact a nationwide Assault Weapons ban, takes aim at GOP Politicians’ hypocrisy with Law Enforcement [UPDATED 9/2/2022]

Joe Biden Is Poised to Win 2020 Election, Leading in Pennsylvania and Georgia | Them

Biden came out swinging today in remarks he made at a public event in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Most of the vitriol was aimed where it needs to be which was Trumpism and its enablers in Washington. He took a page out of Obama’s playbook by calling out Lindsey Graham without naming him.

In case you don’t know, Graham–a former pastor and attorney–turned a lot of heads over the weekend when he threatened Merrick Garland by saying if Trump is indicted, there will be blood in the streets across the U.S. All this as a potential Trump indictment is basically a certainty at this point in serveral regards. And the GOP knows it.

Biden’s vow to enact a new Assault Weapons ban is for sure going to put him in the crosshairs–literally and figuratively–of the NRA’s army of lobbyists as well as the Anti-Government folks who will for sure be looking to buy even more weapons after today. It’s a gutsy move and more so given unlike when Obama tried to do the same thing 10 years ago after Sandy Hook, most sane gun owners regardless of politics want something done. Period.

Biden put the GOP on their heels with those two moves but then he went for the throat by calling out their hypocrisy on wanting to claim to back law enforcement but refusing to denounce those responsible for what happened on 1/6/2021. The GOP declaring war on the DOJ and the FBI forced Biden to say that.


Why 2022 Rhymes With the Previous Four Midterms | Cook Political Report

Biden’s finally taking the gloves off and if the polls are any indication, the Dems now stand a very good chance of holding the Senate and might even pick up some seats in the House of Representatives.

What changed? Roe v. Wade being struck down.

What Far Right Christian Nationalists celebrated as a major victory is invoked outrage across the country. I said it myself when the decision was leaked in April: The GOP played with fire for too long and now they’re going to pay the price.

For decades, Republican candidates ran for office promising to overturn Roe v. Wade knowing actually doing it was forbidden. What they never accounted for were Trunp’s three Surpreme Court picks would pick their alliegiance to the New Apostalic Reformation over them. The GOP thought they were using Christian Nationalists when it was the exact opposite.

Almost immediately afterward, candidates and incumbents alike have been removing mentions of being Pro-Life from their websites and social media accounts because they know what is coming in November and possibly also in 2024. Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell. who spoke of huge gains before Roe v. Wade was overturned is now saying they should brace for only gaining a few seats at the most. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is saying more of the same as well. They know the tables have turned.


Michael Cohen Says Mary Trump Could Make Her Uncle's Lawsuit Backfire

Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen turned some heads this past weekend when he shared his opinion about how far Trump may be willing to go to avoid going to prison. Speaking as a guest on a few media outlets, Cohen reminded the country and the world Trump is a very disorganized person and doesn’t miss “loose change” if you catch the meaning.

Cohen believes Trump intends hold the country hostage by threatening to have people share copies of the classfied documents he had with Russia and Iran if he is indicted. Cohen also believes the real reason Trump wants unredacted copies of the Affidavit to be released is so he can find out who the FBI’s source is. On that note, Cohen said has recently stated he believes at least one of the FBI informants is Trump’s son in law Jared Kushner (Ivanka Trump’s husband). Based on insider info, Trump is super paranoid and has no ideaa who he can trust anymore so…yeah.

Based on how things are going with the various investigations, Trump IS going to be indicted sooner than later. From how it looks, his legal team is actively preparing him for that as we speak. Oh and I do not believe there will be riots when Trump is indicted. Yes some will get violent for sure but riots across the country? No.

The longest rope has an end as the saying goes. I do think we will start to see most of the White Nationalists and anti-government folks go back underground after the midterms or after Trump’s indictment, whichever happens first. That’s because they’re not willing to get arrested and more than that, they don’t want people to know what they’re involved in. Those are the two biggest reasons the most we’ll see is Domestic Terrorism.

I can see groups like Patriot Front quietly absorbing whoever’s left of groups like the Oath Keepers, adopting more of the ideologies of Sovreign Citizen movements and trying to take over counties or towns in some states. For those who don’t know, Sovreign Citizens basically believe no laws of any country can or should apply to them.

Most of them don’t have or use an ID and they refuse to get a Driver’s License. In recent years, some are breaking into and squatting in the homes of some public figures. Yes, really. On that note, it’s very interesting Sovreign Citizens are most active in predominantly democratic countries. They have the biggest presence in Australia followed by Europe and North America.

Where am I going with this? The fact of the matter is some in the Republican Party’s leadership have gone so deeply into Trumpism, they would sooner see the country burn if they don’t get their way. This is what Biden is attacking head on. THIS is the Biden that beat Trump for the White House in 2020. Let’s not kid ourselves, Biden is known to be passive. At the same time, he is responding to the national security threat that is Trumpism exactly how he should be by first calling it what it is.

…The next few months are sure to be very interesting.

Added 9/2/2022:

Biden Philadelphia speech at Independence Hall: Most important for 46th  president? - On top of Philly news

In a primetime speech lasting almost 25 minutes, President Biden too aim at Trump–naming him in the opening minutes of his remarks–and the extremists Trump unleashed when he became president.

Republican pundits with their usual redirect tactics claimed Biden’s comments earlier this week were “too broad” and characterizes everyone who voted for Trump as a “MAGA Republican”. Pay that noise no mind. They also like to say Biden should be focused on the Economy “because that’s what (Republican voters) care the most about”. They claim the only reason Biden is “suddenly” attacking Trump is because he’s pandering to “The Far Left” and “It’s low-hanging fruit”.

Don’t believe that noise from Republican Politicians and Pundits. Not even the moderate ones. We all know the media networks just has them on to not look like they’re pandering to Democrats all the time. That’s the only reason you’re seeing them let the GOP pundits take shots at Democrats on the air.

The fact of the matter is you don’t need a straw poll to know issue #1 for at least 70% of Americans right now is political extremism. Biden wouldn’t have come out so strongly and forcefully this week otherwise. The GOP is desperate to spin this as Biden attacking “all Republicans who voted for or supported Trump” but most don’t see it that way.

I have talked to a lot of Republican voters who voted for Trump twice. They are VERY angry yes but at their party for continuing to defend a selfish guy who would sooner see this country destroyed because he didn’t get his way. They desperately want the party to move on from Trumpism as a whole because their eyes have been opened to how fragile the American Democracy really is. They are seeing a minority of people deadset on destroying America with the help of the GOP.

Trump’s spell over many Republican voters has broken. I’ll just put it like that.

After Dem Wins Alaska Seat, Right Wingers Think Ranked-Choice Voting Is A  Scam

Alaska Democrat Mary Peltola won a special election to become the first Democrat to hold the state’s only seat in the House in 50 years. She is also the first Alaskan Native American to be elected to Congress overall. She defeated former Alaska governor Sarah Palin–remember her?–in the state’s special election that utilized ranked choice voting.

Palin, who railed against the “experimental voting system” was a champion of Trump’s America First PAC and her loss is a devastating blow to not just the GOP but Trump-backed candidates. From what I heard from a few folks online, a lot of people in Alaska voted for Peltola because they did not want Palin to join the likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene in Washington. People are seeing what Trumpism is doing to America and most don’t like it.

Document Storage in a Shipping Container |

The GOP is tying themselves in knots trying to downplay the significance of the classified documents Trump took because they know Hillary Clinton’s server and emails are nothing in comparison. Period. Some went there and already made the mistake of provoking the DOJ. Not a smart move and it’s why Mitch McConnell has been wisely keeping his mouth shut in regards to this. Even he understands how bad this potentially is and could be.

Based on the insight of some who used to have access to these types of materials in the past, there are at least two worst-case secenarios the intelligence community is likely preparing for or already has as we speak:

  1. Trump or people connected to him made copies of the seized documents.
  2. Trump or people connected to him shared or plan to share the seized documents with rogue nations (Russia, China, North Korea, etc.).

It is becoming more and more apparent just how much danger Trump’s wrecklessness is, has and will cause and for what? His ego. More and more people are starting to see for themselves yes, Trump is willing and prepared to blackmail the government if he is indicted.

Even scarier is knowing despite everything that happened, Trump could force the government to cut a deal in exchange for his silence and not indicting him, that’s how bad this could be. If Trump is not indicted, we can no longer call America a nation of laws because Trump will have proven he is above the law if he’s not indicted.

How do you deal with people the law can’t touch? Of course there are ways but none of them are good. I’ll just leave it at that.



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Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen to media outlets: “He will not run again 2024”

Michael Cohen's Advice for Trump's Current Legal Team: 'Lawyer up'

The ex-attorney has been fielding media appearance requests on an almost daily basis since the FBI paid Mar-A-Largo a visit a few weeks back.

He’s been saying this on his Mea Culpa podcast for almost two years now but Cohen has been going out of his way to unemphatically say in his media appearances Trump will not run again in 2024. As a reminder, Cohen warned Congress and the world almost two years before it happened Trump would not accept the results of the 2020 presidential election. We all know how that turned out.

Cohen’s name has been getting thrown around a lot in the media lately as various investigations make it clear Trump IS likely going to get indicted sooner than later. On the flipside, Trump has made it clear once again, he would sooner see the country burn before he goes to prison. In fact, he and his GOP allies have been threatening the DOJ–and by extension the entire country–with their calls for Civil War ever since the FBI paid Mar-A-Largo a visit a few weeks back.

Cohen has also been one of the leading political podcast voices calling on the media to stop with the Bothsidesism in their coverage of Trump and their characterization of the GOP. The refrain from Cohen, Mary Trump and others for two years has been consitent–and accurate–to say the least: The media is pretending the Biden Administration is a normal administration that succeeded another normal administration.

There was nothing normal about Trump’s Administration or the way it ended nevermind the fact over 40% of Republicans legit believe Trump’s lie that the 2020 Presidential election was stolen from him. The biggest purveyor of this is ironically CNN, which was Trump’s go-to punching bag.

On the one hand, they want to remind you of Trump’s gaslighting on a daily basis. On the other hand, they also want to have “Moderate” Republicans as commentators. One of Mary Trump’s guests who used to be a political commentator for CNN revealed this is what CNN does to people who speak truth to power and especially to Republican commentators. They don’t want to piss off the GOP too directly is why.

Then there’s the fact CNN played an integral role in portraying Bernie Sanders as a Socialist back in 2016 and more recently ordered Jim Acosta to attack Andrew Yang, who recently left the Democratic Party to co-found a new political party. Why? To appease Moderate (establishment) Dems and indirectly the GOP.

…This is what Bothsidesism by the media in action looks like.


Empty Courtroom by Gorodenkoffs | VideoHive


Getting back to Trump and the GOP taking on the DOJ.

A few folks reached out to me via Twitter and Email to let me know while Trump definitely does have about 25 million people who are legit prepared to kill or die for him right now–that’s 10% of the American population–they’re not as coordinated as they want everyone to believe. More so after the leaders of the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers were taken down by the DOJ. That sent a chilling effect across the country. Especially those in the Far Right who are fixated or seeing America burn literally, politically and figuratively.

The 1/6 Committee’s Hearings have also been having an impact on some people. At the very least, it’s making people think with their heads instead of their emotions. Trump still has a number of “ride or die” people but nowhere near enough to take over say, Delaware or Rhode Island. Will they incite violence and terrorism? Absolutely but based on the info I’ve been getting, it won’t be enough to destabilize the country into Civil War.

At least that is the hope obviously. I can think of a combination of things happening in the short term that would guarantee Civil War happens, some of which the GOP is openly trying to make happen.

Such things include:

  • Looking to legally overturn election results (The GOP is trying to do this in many states)
  • Voter Suppression (Same as above)
  • Jerrymandering (Same as above)
  • Take away certain civil rights (See: Roe v. Wade being overturned)
  • Cultural Civil War (We’ve been in one for at least 25 years now)
  • Hyperpartisanship (It’s been a thing since at least 2004)
  • Very Wide Achivement Gap (“Us vs. Them”)
  • Economic instability for most of the population
  • Crumbling Infrastructure
  • Perception of Political bias or political retaliation
  • Threats of violence
  • acts of domestic terrorism successful or attempted
  • Assassinations or assassination attempts against political minorities/dissidents
  • Armed attacks against the U.S. Government or attempted attacks

…Again, there won’t be a massive conflict. In fact, the anti-government and White Nationalists will be relying on lone wolves or small groups acting on their own to do most of the damage. We have also started to see some Christian Nationalist groups like the New Apostolic Reformation join forces with these Far Right White Nationalist groups in recent years and it’s no coincidence. It was said by watchdogs a lot but Trump did more to weaken the wall between church and state during his first two years in office than any other president before him. This is to say nothing of the fact the GOP now has a super majority in the Supreme Court and they are wasting no time pressing their advantage.

That’s because they know they don’t have a lot of time and what should have been a major victory–Roe v. Wade being overturned–is now a liability for them politically. They want to step things up but they will need to wait until after the November Midterms. The latest projections indicate the Dems are probably going to retain control of the Senate and might even strengthen their hold of the House of Representatives by a few seats. If either happens, they’ll be relying on the White Nationalist groups and their GOP allies to further weaken if not outright break the guard rails.

Trump is a liability for the GOP and the Christian Nationalists. He has been at least since the 2018 midterms. More so since the people they need to move on their behalf are loyal to Trump. This is why  they have been parroting Trump’s rhetoric in Right Wing media. Trump being indicted and going to prison is exactly what the GOP and Christian Nationalists want. Rather, it’s what they need so they can absorb his crazies by vowing to avenge him. Trump didn’t go away quietly like they wanted after 2020 but they’re willing to let things play out because they know Trump is going down no matter what and they will get what they want from him: His supporters.


File:Lewes Bonfire Night 2007 - Burning Town and Hillside Watchers.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Both the White Nationalists and Christian Nationalists want to see America as we know it burn. Trump was a willnig ally in that regard. As a reminder, the GOP knew damn-well what kind of man Trump really was for decades but still gave him the Republican nomination. The only reason they backed him was assurances of power in the short and longterm.

As Trump is in the process of being forcefully removed from the stage, these other forces are moving on to the next phases of their plans to destroy America from within and remake it in their image. That is the reason they absolutely need Civil War or rather the cover of one. They have already made it clear for some time they want to kill people. Period.

The good news–and this needs to be shouted from the mountaintop on a daily basis–these kinds of people know they are vastly outnumbered at the end of the day. The fact of the matter is the overwhelming majority of Republican voters do not view Democratic voters as “evil”, “pedophiles” or “groomers” like the talking heads want you to believe. I can also tell you from personal experience the overwhelming majority of Democratic voters do not view Republican voters as “bigoted”, “close-minded” or “stupid” either. At the end of the day, the majority of Americans do not subscribe to political extremism in general.

…The problem is I’m not yet convinced enough Americans are willing to stand up to it when it’s actively telling them to dehumanize each other.


Oxford English Dictionary Adds Word "Woke" | Know Your Meme

GOP politicians and Right wing pundits successfully hijacked the meaning of the buzzword “Woke” as part of their self-proclaimed “Culture War” with Liberalism (and now Democracy itself). The left–and especually the African American community that popularized it–needs to take that buzzword back. As soon as Right wing pundits and GOP politicians weaponized the word “Woke”, Black Americans stopped using it almost immediately and that was a big mistake.

The above image shows the original, non-political definition of the buzzword as it was originally used at the beginning of the last decade by activists. It simply means to know and be aware of social injustice around you and to acknowledge it is a problem in our society. The Right wants you to believe it’s a dirty word. The Far Right wants you to believe the average person shouldn’t be aware of inequality, racism or discrimination around them.

Does that make sense to you? No? Me either. Especially not in these times.

No matter how they try to spin it, the fact of the matter is the only reality these outspoken  folks want you to know is the one they tell you. They want you to close your eyes and block your ears to everything and everyone but what they want you to know. In short, an alternate reality.

We have a real world parallel in Eastern Europe right now. Most of Russia and a third of Ukraine believes the Russian military is fighting Nazis in Ukraine and all the atrocities they commit that has been reported by international media is staged. What makes it real bad is the families of these people are in Ukraine experiencing it.

When you ask the Ukrainians with family in Russia, they will tell you their relatives DO have access to the truth if they want it. The reason they don’t want to believe it is mostly out of fear of being arrested and being branded a traitor just fo knowing the truth. In short, they feel it’s better for them to believe what they know is a lie.

…America has been infected with the same kind of sickness and I mean both sides on that note. It doesn’t matter how deep or how many times you try to bury the truth though. It will not and can not be denied.



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Former Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang announces the Launch of the Forward Party, a legit THIRD Party

Follow The SAM Party's (@samforus) latest Tweets / Twitter

You know you’re on to something when literally everyone comes to kill it out the gate.

Despite the fact over 30 former Democrats and Republicans are backing the new party, the media eviscerated Andrew Yang in interviews he did Sunday afternoon one after another. It begs one obvious question: Why are they so afraid of the idea of a legit third party in America? Because it will mean the end of the Duopoly the existing parties have “enjoyed” for most of this country’s existence.

Contrary to what the media wants you to believe, the Forward Party is NOT “simply” a populist movement created on a whim. It is not a “go with the flow concept” that doesn’t stand for anything either. The fact that the Dems are aggressively attacking it out the gate betrays the fact the Dems really are not as open-minded as they want America and the world to think they are.

The interesting thing about the Forward Party is it came about to do what the Dems have so far shown an inability and unwillingness to do: Check the GOP and bring people together. The Dems betrayed their own base and the American people as a whole with such a hyper focus on appeasing the GOP, Kristen Sinema and Joe Manchin over the last 20 months. It’s gotten us nowhere fast.

It’s worth noting as of now, the Forward Party is not fielding any candidates in the 2022 Midterms. They are not expecting to either. The new party is going to kick off a listening tour next month and will hold its first national convention sometime next summer. Those are steps a new political party that is serious about building a solid foundation for the longterm does.

Unlike the Media, both parties and pundits I am in full “wait and see” mode in regards to The Forward Party. Also unlike them, I am obviously rooting for The Forward Party to flourish. They’ve gone public now and they know they need to grow. There is PLENTY of incentive to at least let them prove themselves. For one, they’re trying to take American politics in a new direction and shift the focus at the same time.

I have my suspicions on who might be willing to leave the existing parties for The Forward Party but we probably won’t see any major announcements until after the Midterms. Things should be interesting to say the least.


Is it time for a third party in the US?

Unsurprisingly, Democrats on Podcasts and elsewhere mercilessly attacked not just Yang but the idea of a third party at this time. Their reasoning was virtually identical. Basically, “We need people to unite with the Dems to oppose the GOP. Only the Dems can move the country forward”. That, ladies and gents is textbook tribalism from the Left.

I can’t help but find it interesting the Dems–the so-called all-inclusive “Big Salad Party”–views the idea of a third party as more of a threat to their interests than the GOP. The Dems like to point to the 2016 and 2000 Presidental elections (Jill Stein and Ralph Nader respectively) as why but the raw data shows in both of those elections, the third party candidate didn’t cost the Democratic candidate (Hillary Clinton and Al Gore respectively) the election. The Dems need to let that go and more so since they lost both elections for other reasons.

It also betrays the fact the Dems are not above political sabotage. The biggest recent example being Bernie Sanders in 2016. He did the Dems a huge favor by not running as an Independent despite massive pressure from not just Stein but his own base. The Dems thanked him by blocking him from getting the Democratic Nomination. That’s also WHY I left the Democratic Party in 2016 for those who don’t know.

Sanders tried to run again in 2020 but stopped his campaign when it became obvious the party was going to push Biden over him in a bid to avoid a repeat of 2016. Sanders knows he can never run for president again because of his age. He knows he’s too old and much younger people need to be mentored to run for office.

That brings me to Liz Cheney, who was just primaried by a Trump-backed candidate in Wyoming. The GOP has made it clear it is all-in with Trumpism and anyone who doesn’t fall in line will be primaried. I mentioned before I had my suspicions of who might join the Forward Party. Now that she’s officially been voted out of not just office but the GOP, it makes the most sense for her to join the Forward Party. She has nothing to lose at this point.

The thing people need to keep in mind is third parties are not supposed to have the approval of the existing ones. Contrary to what people on Podcasts are saying, the fact that the Forward Party is being attacked by Dems so merciliessly betrays the fact they consider it a legit threat weather they realize it at the time or not. The deadlock needs to be broken weather they like it or not.



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Yes, Haiti is a failed state and here’s why America needs to actively monitor what’s going on there

Gang Violence Traps Thousands in Town Near Haiti's Capital

Haitian Law Enforcement has fighting an uphill battle with violent gangs every day on the streets of Port-au-Prince since the assassination of its president last summer. Haiti’s three most ruthless gangs have taken complete control of the capital and are now engaged in a massive war with each other for dominance.

All three gangs by themselves have Law Enforcement outgunned and outmaneuvered at every turn. The most Haitian police are able to do is venture into gang-controlled areas in armored vehicles to try to rescue the countless thousands of innocent people trapped in their own homes. The streets of Port-au-Prince run red with the blood of gang members, civilians and law enforcement alike.

I am in touch with two people on the ground in Haiti, one of which works as an interpreter. Both of them have said the gangs are the ones with real power and this has been the case for some time. It’s believed the gangs worked together to assassinate the president last summer to show everyone in the country no one is untouchable as far as they’re concerned.

That was when smuggler boats to points west and north of Haiti started getting built or expanded. Safe travel obviously not guaranteed, smugglers have been making a fortune off of Haitians desperate to flee the gang violence for safer shores. Both of my contacts have said those with the means have long since left by first crossing into the Dominican Republic and taking a plane from there to Europe, the African continent or the U.S. where they have family. Those without the means risk their lives on a smuiggler’s boat to the U.S. or Central America.

Some Haitians speculate the gangs plan to set up a puppet government while they hold the real power behind the scenes. The UN and the U.S. both need to step in militarily because if the gangs succeed in taking control of the country, Haiti could become a safe haven for international criminals. It could be even worse if Iran, Russia, China or another rogue nation decide to get involved. I could easily see a scenario in which these countries offer money and aid to Haiti in exchange for storing things, data or people they want to keep hidden from the UN and the U.S.

What the UN can do militarily and secure Port-au-Prince and establish permimeters to protect key infrastructures. I am well aware UN Peacekeepers already have a bad reputation in Haiti due to the actions of a few. I am also aware of the fact the Haitian government would normally need to ask the UN for help but that’s obviously not going to happen.

This is where the U.S. stepping in militarily might be the possible option and more so since it is a martter of national security. We cannot allow the criminal gangs free reign of Haiti. We also can’t offer assylum to all 11 million people in the country. This is where a military option comes in. We go in, deal with the gangs ourselves and then make it a Vassal State.

It would be far less costly than Afghanistan was and as a bonus, people will stop trying to go primarily to the U.S. Aside from rebuilding the Haitian government from scratch, Aid Groups would be able to freely do their work without having to worry about dealing a corrupt government known to tax aid brought into the country.

Yes, really.

The world became aware of this after the 2010 earthquake. The Haitian government temporarily suspended their Aid Tax so international aid could be brought in. As soon as they restored it, the aid stopped coming. How it works is basically, you have to pay a fee to bring relief supplies into the country. Those who can’t or don’t will have said goods seized by the government as “Contraband”. It’s believed tons of relief supplies from 2010 are still sitting collecting dust in government warehouses. They don’t care.

The U.S. is the only country in the region that can quickly deal with what’s going on in Haiti right now. The country is on the verge of collapse at this point and if something isn’t done, it’s going to become a massive humanitarian crisis that will make Ukraine look minor in comparison.



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All these GOP politicians calling for violence against government agencies, judges and officials need to be held accountable

Ace Attorney 5 Announced | Outcyders


Like I said at the end of my last post, the Republican Party is openly picking a fight with U.S. Government. Why? Because a Democrat is in the White House first and their interests are being treatened second. As far as they’re concerned, the Justice Department, Law Enforcement and so on are only corrupt when they don’t go after their political rivals (Democrats, etc.) or go after them. That’s their definition of “Justice” or “Injustice”.

This is also why they are feeding the extremists in their party with rhetoric calling for violence against not just Democrats but law enforcement, judges and now the FBI. Thursday afternoon, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a statement regarding the Search Warrant executed on Trump’s residence in Florida on Monday. The only reasons he commented publicly on it was because Trump himself confirmed it happened and the Right has been spreading baseless conspiracy theories second.

This is of course to say nothing of the fact the Far Right IS calling for violence and murder against Law Enforcement or more specifically, Federal agents and the judge who signed the search warrant. Before Garland spoke, there was an ongoing situation involving a guy in Ohio who tried to breach the FBI’s offices in Cinncinnati. He left something to the effect of a suicide note on Trump’s social media platform–including a call to arms–after leaving the scene and was later killed in a shootout with law enforcement.

This is Domestic Terrorism just so we’re clear.

I talked about this in detail in the previous post but the Right and the many Far Right groups with similar interests who are on the move in all 50 states want to dismantle the current government and replace it with an Authoritorian Autocracy or a Theocratic Autocracy.

The response from the GOP was summed up quite nicely by one pundit on CNN this afternoon: The Three Ds.

  • Deny: Refute facts and accountability.
  • Deflect: Redirect negative public and media scrutiny with Whataboutism and Bothsidesism.
  • Destroy: Publicly attack the media, government officials, witnesses and other relevant parties in efforts to discredit all sources.

It’s the same playbook they’ve been using well before Trump though he greatly improved it.

All that said, more acts of Domestic Terrorism by people on the Far Right should be expected in the days, weeks and months to come. The GOP has no offramp they can take because the extremists won’t allow allow them to get off. Not even the more hardline establishment Republicans want to see people get killed but they know they can’t stop if they don’t want to be targeted by their own base. In short, they’re in a lose-lose situation. And they know it.

An investigation into Trump's handling of classified documents is huge


As I was writing this, news broke some of the documents in Trump’s possession that the FBI was after has to do with information about nuclear weapons. What we don’t know–yet–is if this about nuclear weapons belonging to a rogue state, allies OR the U.S. Trump is known to be VERY careless–he has an FBI informant in his inner circle after all–and the obvious next question any reasonable person to ask is who else knew about those documents and where they were?

I don’t need to spell out how bad to WORSE this potentially is depending on whose info that was. As president, he would have access to this information while he was in office.

Here’s a quick overview of the potential implications:

  • If the intel was about a rogue nation’s nuclear weapons, the question would be what was he planning to do with that information? He could easily leverage that data with the country in question for money or more likely, safe haven from the U.S. Government. He could also offer it to a third party nation for the same reasons.
  • If the intel was about an ally’s nuclear weapons, the question is the same more or less. He could sell that infornation to a rogue nation for either money or safe haven.
  • If the intel is about the U.S.’ nuclear weapons, that is the obvious worst case scenario. Not just in regards to rogue nations but people here in the U.S. looking to cause chaos.

…Of course, any or a combination of the three will be a major headache for Biden to deal with. If it’s a rogue nation, they will want to know if the U.S. is actively planning something. If it’s an ally, it makes the U.S. look careless and more so given how disliked Trump was as president around the world. If it’s our own intel, the question Congress, nevermind the DOJ would DEMAND to know is what was Trump planning to do with that information.

News jusr broke minutes before midnight Thursday night Trump announced via his Social Media that he will not oppose the DOJ unsealing the warrant the FBI used to search his Florida home. Garland called his bluff and Trump was forced to give his approval. He has a copy of the warrant–it’s required by law–among other things so he already knows what it says.

Trump is going to find out how it feels to be on the wrong side of a Federal criminal investigation real soon. Now that Trump has publicly announced he will not contest the warrant being publicly released, the rest of us should know the contents by Friday afternoon the latest. This is the beginning of the end of Trump and that will be made more obvious when you start seeing GOP politicians and candidates stop publicly talking about him. It’s coming SOON.

As the saying goes, the longest rope has an end.

Minneapolis police station torched, other buildings burn amid George Floyd  protest | Fox 59

Two years ago, a Minneapolis Police Station was burned during protests after the death of George Floyd.

Today, sitting Republican politicians are accusing Law Enforcement and the DOJ of being corrupt simply for doing the jobs. It’s like I said above: As far as the GOP is concerned, the DOJ and Law Enforcement are only corrupt when they don’t go after their political rivals or go after them.

Far Right groups are on the move in all 50 states heeding the call of the guy in Ohio to target Law Enforcement and the Legal Community at all levels. Keep in mind the GOP is silent as Domestic Terrorists are actively planning attacks against people just doing their jobs. “Kill all Feds!”? Are you kidding me? They need to learn what it means to fear the Feds clearly.

The GOP is and has been for political violence for decades. This was true long before Trump came along.  I do agree with moderates who say most Americans don’t like political extremists from either side but for a VERY long time, the Right has been plotting to take over the country. The eyes of most were opened after Roe v. Wade was struck down, something no one thought would actually happen.

That changed things for a lot of people. I’m seeing it in the streets. People don’t want the government coming in their bedrooms or bodies. No one wants Ultra Conservatives telling them what books their children to read or telling their kids’ teachers what parts of American history they’re allowed to know about. No one wants political violence. The GOP is for all these things and much more.

There is no Leftist equivalent and there never was. It’s easy to forget that Martin Luther King Jr. was called a Communist and a Marxist long before he spoke out against the Vietnam War. The GOP sanctioned discrimination against Immigrants, Hispanics and Muslims in general a few decades ago because legally, they can no longer openly persecute Black people. Full stop.

More people are also starting to wake up to the fact the GOP wants to rule, not govern. They made the politically fatal mistake of pissing off Vets nationwide with their (brief) opposition to a Burn Pits bill on a technicality. You can’t do that and claim to support Vets or the military. Not anymore at least.

TV Ads exposing the fact the GOP wants to get rid of social safety nets like  Medicare and Social Security–which they have long referred to as “Entitlements”–have also been running. Don’t forget it was only 4 years ago Trump proposed cutting SNAP Benfits in half and giving everyone a box of non-perishable foods instead. Fortunately for those of us who do receive SNAP Benefits, that ultimately did not happen.

People like to hold up 2 Thessalonians 3:10 which says in part “If anyone will not work, neither should they eat” to justify eliminating Social Services at every level. That verse is one of the most misapplied ever by people who like to say “The Bible says this” to justify being cold-hearted.

At the end of the day they don’t care about the disabled, elderly, pregnant, those with young kids, physically sick, homeless, incarcerated, poor and anyone else who’s suffering or struggling. That’s basically what they’re saying without saying it. They don’t want their tax dollars being wasted on “lazy” people but it’s a different story when it’s them of course. People who lose everything in a disaster typically have a small window to file a claim and for most, what they do get doesn’t go far enough to recoup what they lose.

I tell this story to people a lot because it speaks to the double standard of many on the Right. In 2016 when I paid a visit to a certain Massachusetts office for the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA), I observed a man ranting and raving, saying things like “everyone here is lazy” and “I can’t wait until Trump is president so he can get rid of this”. The man was White and most in the waiting area–including staff–were Black or Hisanic. Having heard enough I guess, a (black) woman sitting next to him turned to him and asked him “Well, why are you here then?”. He turned to her and replied “This is just temporary”. Almost everyone in the room erupted into laughter.

I share that story with people to make this point: Social Services, also referred to as “Welfare” Programs like SNAP and WIC are the reason you don’t have to worry about people trying to break into your home every day. Non-profit organizations like Project Bread are why America is not like Ethiopia, Afghanistan or The Philippines where kids die of starvation every day. Food banks exist to help families regardless of their financial status survive.

The GOP has spent decades dismantling the Middle class because the idea of people in need being helped with Tax Dollars makes them sick. Actually wait I take some of that back. Social Security is NOT funded with federal or taxpayer money. It never was yet they have made it their #1 goal for decades getting rid of it along with Medicare.

THIS is why there are now TV ads trying to warn millions of Americans who will be directly impacted of the reality that is coming their way. This is not the time be distracted. Now is the time to stand up to those who want to tear the country apart.

The irony of Trump’s words before he unleashed his supported on the U.S. Capitold is so apparent now ironically: If you don’t fight, you won’t have a country anymore. They are fighting to take this country. The question to the rest of us is will we let them or not?


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Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban to CPAC in Dallas: “They hate you more than you hate them”

CPAC 2022: Trump among key conservatives descending on Texas with eyes on midterm elections | Fox News

If this wasn’t a blatant call to arms to a Republican Party that has embraced Fascism and Authoritorianism, I don’t know what is.

After Trump became president, the Republican Party has stopped pretending to give a damn about decency or the fellow man. It’s not just the Far Right anymore and that was made clear when the RNC declared “Trump won the 2020 Presidential Election” as its official stance as a party last year. Yes, really.

The GOP has certainly been following in Trump’s footsteps by openly cozying up with Viktor Orban, Vladomir Putin and other White Male autocrats in other countries. 100 years ago, America was considered a melting pot as the country basically had an open door policy for everyone from Europe to come to the U.S. mostly via New York. By Melting Pot I mean assimilate. By assimilate, I mean foresake the culture, language and in many cases the name you were born with. America’s Immigration policy tightened in the years leading up to World War II though.

Fast Forward to the present. For the first time in American history, White are a minority denomination and that’s unlikely to change anytime soon. This was also the case when the country was founded technically. There is a racial component to this that cannot and should not be overlooked or ignored. The fact of the matter is this country was founded and designed to favor some and discriminate against others. I’ll just put it like that.

I recently watched a few documentaries available on Amazon Prime Video. I specifically watched White Savior (2019), Marketing The Messaiah (2020) and The Uncomfortable Truth (2017). The first two movies give a deep dive into the “business” if White Christian Culture. They shed light on WHY some Ultra Conservatives want to turn America into an Autocratic Theocracy. The third movie breaks down how and why America is it has been to now is working exactly as intended. It’s not hyperbole or an exaggeration when you look at the fact America is on the fast track to Civil War.


Russia Ukraine Conflict: What is Russia Ukraine Conflict Reason? Russia Ukraine Conflict News & Updates | The Economic Times

That brings me to the Conflict in Ukraine. As a reminder, Putin told the world in the weeks leading up to the invasion in February he doesn’t believe Ukraine should exist as an independent country, people or culture.He claims the conflict in Ukraine is a “Special Operation to De-Nazify Ukraine”.

The hypocrisy given Ukraine’s president Vlodomir Zelensky is himself Jewish should not be lost on anyone. Putin wants the Russian people and the world to believe the most powerful Democracy in Eastern Europe is run by Nazis and as he has repeatedly said, “You can’t reason with Nazis. You can only destroy them.” In short, Russia has engaged in a war of extermination against Ukraine.

It’s not simply about taking pieces of real estate. The people of Ukraine are literally fighting for their survival and their right to exist independently from Russia. I do think it’s only a matter of time before other countries get involved militarily. Russia has lost over 30,000 soldiers since the conflict began and it’s believed to only be a matter of time before the Russian people revolt.

Many Russians–especially those who lived through the Cold War–have been thoroughly brainwashed by State-Controlled media outlets that are not allowed to tell the truth. It’s literally against the law to call the war with Ukraine a war in Russia.

What does Russia’s genocide in Ukraine have to do with the GOP? Over the last 12 or so months, the GOP has started using similar wording to describe Democrats and the Media. They are laying the groundwork to justify stripping away the civil rights and human rights of the overwhelming majority of Americans who disagree with them.

Civil War IS coming SOON. Full stop.


Malcolm Nance on violent extremism and the war in Ukraine - WHYY

This is Malcolm Nance. He’s a former naval officer who also went on to work in U.S. Intelligence. He’s been stepping up appearances on Mary Trump and Michael Cohen’s podcasts in recent months as well as on MSNBC in an effort to reach the ears of anyone who will listen.

When he’s not making podcast or media appearances, Nance–a former Marine himself–is on the ground in Ukraine as a member of Ukraine’s Foreign Legion. Unlike Western Media, he doesn’t hold back graphic details of what is going on in Ukraine…and why it should have the full attention of everyone in America.

Nance has intimate knowledge of not just Russia’s playbook but China’s, Myannmar’s, Hungary’s, North Korea’s Iran’s Syria’s and others’. He used to work in U.S. Intelligence is why. Regardless of your politics, that makes him an extremely credible source of info. Fortunately for the majority of us, he has no problem sharing what he knows publicly (without divulging classified information of course) as well as insights into what may be in store for America in the near future.

First and foremost, his topics of speciality are the military, law enforcement and intelligence. He has longtime experience in all three is why. In some of his recent interviews with Michael Cohen and Mary Trump, Nance publicly revealed all 6 branches of the U.S. Military (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard and Space Force) have White Supremecists embedded in them so deeply, it will take two generations worth of time to completely remove them and their influences from the military.

It’s even worse in Law Enforcement. It’s not exactly a secret these armed White Nationalists and Supremecists in general encourage their followers, adherents and allies to join the military or law enforcement for the specialized training. Not necessarily for the weapons training but the more specialized training in urban warfare, military tactics and advanced first aid that members of the military are required learn.

This is also why the White Nationalists are openly trying to recruit active military and vets who were in Iraq and/or Afghanistan in particular, mostly online. They are preparing for armed conflict in all 50 states as we speak. In their minds, 1/6/2021 was just the beginning.

Who does an American Civil War benefit the most? Russia and China. Russia invaded Ukraine and now China is looking to invade Taiwan at he drop of a hat. Pelosi’s visit to the island last week was a convenient excuse as far as China’s Xi Jinping is concerned.

As a reminder, Putin wanted Trump to be president in 2016 and 2020 obviously) because Putin knew Trump would keep America distracted while he planned for the eventual invasion of Ukraine. Putin wanted Trump to win again in 2020 because he knew Trump would not allow the U.S. to get directly involved with Ukraine and NATO would have been worried about Trump feeding intel to Putin.

At the very least, Ukraine probably would have fallen to Russia within two or three months. Russia would have just carpet bombed the entire country off the bat or maybe even used Tactical Nukes. Then they would have gone into Moldova and likely the Baltic States, forcing NATO to commit to armed conflict with Russia–World War III–having assurances from Trump the U.S. would stay out of it.

China was wary of Trump as president and more so knowing he’s a Xenophobe. When COVID-19 broke out, apparently there were legit concerns within the Chinese government that Trump might order a nuclear strike in retaliation against China. When Biden took office, that was a considered a return to the status quo at the very least. While it IS true Trump’s “friendship” with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un kept that country pacified, it was also unnerving for Japan and South Korea.

If Trump won in 2020, China probably would have still helped keep North Korea in check for the sake of regional stability. At the same time, China would have had a free and open path to forcefully annexing Taiwan knowing Trump wouldn’t care and no one else could possibly stop them. Xi Jinping is probably going to try to make a play for Taiwan around the time of the 2022 Midterms when America would be distracted the most by the Midterm Elections in November. He’s desperate for a political victory at home is why.

All that said. Autocracy is on the rise around the world and in America in particular. I’ll just put it like that.


Yes, Trump Could Run for President From Prison in 2024

It’s looking more and more clear Trump IS going to face criminal charges and likely before the end of the year. Like Alex Jones, it will be a series of things that will see him in court and likely behind bars. The 1/6 Committee knows they’ll likely be disbanded when the GOP retakes control of one or both houses of Congress after the midterms in November. This is to say nothing of Liz Cheney projected to lose her seat in Congress in an upcoming primary election and Adam Kinzinger not seeking reelection for similar reasons.

The 1/6 Committee being broken up won’t stop the Department of Justice’s separate investigation though and that is exactly who the 1/6 Committee is beginning to put pressure on. Talking to CNN last week, Liz Cheney unemphatically said the DOJ must indict Trump to prove no one, not even a president is above the law.

I do agree with those who’ve said Trump will not be viewed as a martyr to his base and more so given the movement he started no longer needs him. At the same time, it IS true Trump tried to overthrow the government on 1/6/2021 as the hearings revealed this summer. The ONLY reason it failed was because some refused to go along with it.

Will people riot in the streets when Trump is indicted? Of course not. What we can and should expect to happen is violent retaliation though. The GOP’s entire platform since Trump left office has been making the case why he should not be in prison where he belongs.


FBI searches Trump's Mar-a-Lago home, seizing documents

On a related note.

Monday evening, the FBI executed a search warrant on Trump’s residence at Mar-A-Largo in Florida. Mind you, Trump was not there at the time. He stays in New York during the summer. Trump definitely DID know the FBI  was going to his Florida home in advance but it’s not stopping him–or the GOP on that note–from trying to profit off the publicity.

The GOP’s response? Parrot Trump’s whining–Pence included. Even more chilling and hypocritical was the response from Ultra Conservatives, some of whom began to gather outside Mar-A-Largo to protest: “Defund the police!”

Yes, really.

The hypocrisy and double standard should not be missed here. What they’re REALLY saying is they want a separate set of rules for them. Fox “News” wasted no timing pushing fearmongering hard since word broke by claiming “Biden and the Dems have weaponized the FBI”.

Yes, really.

Again, its ironic and VERY hypocritical. Everyone else in the media has been right to call it a big political moment for the GOP ahead of the midterms. I would move up the start of Civil War from the 2024 election to the 2022 midterm elections at this point. Why? Because of reports Trump WILL for sure be indicted by the end of this year.

Pence outed himself as still loyal to Trump with his comments of the FBI search of Trump’s Florida home Tuesday afternoon. The hopes of some Democratic strategists and Podcast hosts of serious infighting within the Republican Party is still in play. Signs of legit fractures between establishment GOP and Trump seem to have quickly vanished but that is only temporary.

The GOP raging against accountability IS legit though.

According to the latest reports out of Florida, the Department of Justice has an informant in Trump’s residence and it was based on that intel that they executed the search warrant. You remember all the talk and speculation from Cohen, Trump’s niece Mary and other implying Trump may have been using his position and access to classified information for profit.

I mean selling classified information to other countries. We don’t know the details–yet–but from it sounds, DOJ’s informant contacted the FBI and told them to step in ASAP. It’s been known for some time Trump took some classified documents with him to Mar-A-Largo when he left office last January. Documents the National Archives has been asking Trump to return for over a year now. The FBI’s search warrant was specifically to recover those documents.

Trump’s (current) attorneys know criminal charges ARE coming soon. He also will not be the only one taken down. GOP Members of Congress in particular who up to now have balked at the idea of cooperating with the 1/6 Committee are themselves going to get a reality check VERY soon.



Folks need to understand something: This is not the same Republican Party from the 1970s and earlier. The GOP’s only concern since the 1980s has been to segregate and marginalize people as much as they can. Ronald Reagan’s “Trickle Down Economics” was the first major the GOP sold to the public to justfy the ultra rich being allowed to not pay taxes, companies being legally considered people and money free-flowing into elections.

Remember: Until the late 1980s, most of the media outlets were owned by dozens of different people or entities. Now, 5 to 7 MEGA companies own or control what 80% of the world reads, listens to or watches.

Over the last 14 years in particular, the GOP’s only concern has been “owning the Libs”. The ONLY thing they really care about other than that is whining, taking away rights or opportunities and saying “America is a great country” or “America is the greatest country is the history of the world” which is ironic given their actions always show otherwise.

What am I talking about? Here’s a short list of what some Far Right Republicans have been openly calling for:

  • Expand 2nd Amendment Rights without limits
  • Restrict and eventually outlaw voting for most
  • Suspend Habeas Corpus (You can be locked up indefinitely without ever seeing a judge)
  • Public Executions
  • State-Sponsored Bounty Hunting
  • Privatized Military and Police
  • Take away the Civil Rights of Muslims, anyone LGBTQ+ and Democrats
  • Revoke citizenship of Naturalized Citizens from the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and parts of Southeast Asia, deport them to native countries
  • Mass Arrests for Political Dissidents
  • Strict Immigration Policies
  • Progagandized Primary and Secondary Education
  • Propagandize the News Media
  • Federal Abortion Ban
  • Build a Fortified Wall along the U.S.-Mexico Boarder
  • Endless Defense Spending Budget

Remember Donald Trump’s words on 1/6/2021: “If you don’t fight like hell, you won’t have a country anymore.”

That was a call to arms heeded not just by those who descended on Washington but millions more nationwide. They are playing for keeps if it isn’t obvious already. More so given there are thousands of Republians in office on their side.

For context, 1/6/2021 is not considered a “failure” just because they didn’t get to kill Pence or members of Congress. Not by them, U.S. Intelligence OR Law Enforcement. Neither should the majority of us regardless of politics. They want to use violence and intimidation to achieve their goals. The end justifies the means as far as they’re concerned.

This is not Hyperbole or feamongering. Just look at what’s being said every day on Fox “News”, Newsmax, OAN, Info Wars, Conservative Podcasts and at public events held by most Republicans. They claim “America is great!” while also demonizing Democrats in the same breath. The claim to support the Military and Law Enforcement but only when it’s convenient for them. It’s not concenient for them to do that now because they know they’re in the wrong.

Don’t believe the False Equivalency nonsense that is being aggressively pushed by Trump or that there is a “Radical Left” being pushed by most Republican politicians. It’s all coded language they made up for their base to latch on to without having to explain themselves. All they want their base to know is “Republicans, Good. Democrats, Bad. God is on our side, Democrats worship Satan”.

I will not stop saying these things on the blog because I don’t want anyone to later say they didn’t hear about it from somewhere.

Why isn’t Corporate Media outlets like CNN, MSNBC, WaPo and others not giving the leadup to Civil War the correct context and attention it should be getting? I’ll get into that in my next post but in short, drama = money.

This isn’t to necessarily say all journalists and reporters are bad. Unfortunately, unless you’ve got deep pockets you can forget about competing with media outlets that are also owned by companies that control 80% of what the world watches, reads or listens to.


The Oklahoma City Bombing — FBI

I want to end with this because for those who might not know or remember, this was the end result of the last time the GOP attacked the Federal Government on a regular basis leading up to it. Six years before 9/11, this was the worst act of terrorism on U.S. soil.

April 19, 1995.

A truck bomb was used to shear off a third of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City. 168 people were killed including 19 children who were at a daycare center in the ground floor. Another 500+ were injured. The destroyed building was later demonlished, a memorial park built in its place in honor of those who died.

Timothy McVeigh, an Army vet with ties to the Far Right anti-government militia group Patriot Front was arrested, charged, found guilty and sentenced to death. His execution was carried out months before 9/11 happened. A second man, Terry Nichols was also arrested, charged and sentenced to life in prison but it’s believed there are others still out there with inside knowledge of the planning of the bombing.

The prosecutor who headed the case? Merrick Garland, the current U.S Attorney General. Garland, who was later nominated by former president Obama for the U.S. Supreme Court is known to be meticulous and precise in his work as a prosecutor. Just like now, at the time there were serious questions about if he was taking things seriously due to the lack of information.

Then, news broke a few days after the bombing it wasn’t middle eastern suspects like the Right claimed (with no proof of course) but a home grown American who had been radicalized by Far Right groups. McVeigh wasn’t mentally ill either. The attention to detail with how he carried out the bombing makes that clear. He had the skills needed to pull it off and he did it, full stop.

Why am I making the point to talk about this? Because right after McVeigh was was arrested, there were legit concerns whoever he was connected to might carry out additional bombings or even attempt to assassinate Democratic politicians including then president Bill Clinton. That’s because investigators didn’t believe McVeigh acted alone due to the level of detail from getting the materials to carrying it out.

Fast forward to now.

If you’re not seriously thinking about people in the Republican Party calling for violence against Democrats doing another Oklahoma City-like attack in the current political climate, don’t be surprised when it eventually happen because it will.

Such an attack would be much easier to pull off–and I mean several in a small amount of time–now compared to 1995. More so given many Republican politicians and public figures are advocating violence against Democrats and those who vote for them.

The GOP went past the point of no return politically when Roe v. Wade was struck down two months ago. The party has fully embraced Fascism and Authoritorianism thanks in large part to Trump. They can no longer backtrack because as a reminder, they legit fear their own base. I don’t just mean they fear for their jobs but they fear for their lives. And the same base they rely on to keep them in power knows it.


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Alex Jones gets thoroughly DESTROYED in Court, Multiple Law Enforcement Agencies now getting involved

Alex Jones concedes Sandy Hook massacre was "100% real" as he testifies at  defamation trial - CBS News

Man oh man, I need more popcorn for this one. More so knowing this MONSTER probably has criminal charges to look forward to after this CIVIL trial is done. I first found out about this evil bastard right afrer the Sandy Hook mass shooting when CNN made the mistake of giving him an hour on Primetime TV at the time.

In the 10 years since Sandy Hook, it’s believed Alex Jones has made over $200 Million pushing the lie Sandy Hook (and other mass shooting events) was staged. Before Sandy Hook, Jones was already a well-known and established peddler of bizarre conspiracy theories. The difference is Sandy Hook happened AFTER a 20-year asault weapons ban expired.

Again, conspiracy theorists allege Mass Shooting events are what they recently started calling “False Flag” Operations. In other words, they allege Mass Shooting Events are a hoax.

Far Right conspiracy theorists assert Mass Shooting events are orchestrated by the U.S. government–specifically by Democrats conveniently–as part of an elaborate plot to “take away everyone’s guns”. They claim–without proof or evidence of course–no one really dies in Mass Shooting Events, the grieving families are really paid “crisis actors” for the media and the victims never existed.

Yes, really.

This vile, perverse conspiracy theory didn’t really take off until Alex Jones amplified it via the far right media empire he created, Info Wars. He not only profited off this conspiracy theory–to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars–he inspired terrorism against the victims’ families of those killed in Mass Shooting Events by encouraging his audience to “expose the Crisis Actors as the frauds they are”.

How so? Encourage them to contact the victims’ families directly and make them confess to being paid crisis actors hired as part of an elaborate hoax by Democrats to “take away everyone’s guns”. There have already been several arrests and lawsuits WELL before Jones’ turn finally came. Laws have been passed in several states granting Protected Status to victims’ families and survivors of Mass Shooting Events. This was done to make it a hate crime to harass victims’ families and survivors of Mass Shooting Events.

Yes, really.

A decision was reached this afternoon on Jones’ Defamation Lawsuit by two of the families of Sandy Hook victims. They asked for $150 Million. The judge granted them $4.1 Million. It’s worth noting Jones has other similar pending lawsuits against him awaiting him. In recent years, Jones has filed bankruptcy several times but no one seriously believes he’s broke. The real concern is Jones is trying to stall for time so he can stash as much of his money as possible to avoid paying a dime.

Jones’ problems are set to get worse after today: He was not only caught lying on the stand–and exposed on the spot of course–but criminal charges are likely coming because of his own attorney. What happened was the plaintiffs had demanded certain cellphone and text info from Jones via his attorney for quite a while. Jones’ attorney gave the plaintiffs’ attorneys a “dump” of data from at least the last few years without reviewing it first. Data multiple law enforcement agencies AND the 1/6 Committee would like to get their hands on. Jones, who is a hardcore Trump supporter let on in his “show” he may have inside knowledge of some of the planning that went into the events of the 1/6 capitol attack.

Before the decision was made, Jones requested the judge declare a mistrial because of his attorney’s mistake. Of course, the judge declined. Now Jones is sweating bullets knowing more defamation lawsuits are the LEAST of his immediate and future concerns. I am extremely pleased to know his empire of lies and misinformation will soon be silenced for good. It’s just a matter of weather he’ll go to prison, an insane asylum or commit suicide. We’ll see.



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