I’m looking to make a hard pivot away from discussing U.S. National Politics after the 2022 Midterms

It’s something I’ve been thinking about since the 2020 election. I feel like at this point, I need to move on to covering other topics in more depth. I need to broaden things and more so since I am actively looking to recruit co-writers for this blog.

I have the persective of an African American man of Trinidadian heritage who lives in Boston, Massachusetts. I have had my own experiences and I have spoken to over 2,000 people from across the U.S. and around the world for almost every article I have written for this blog. I want to open up this blog so that others can use their voice to share their own experiences and perspectives.

Around the time I decided to make this particular blog, I had made up my mind to abandon the idea of one day working for a newspaper or TV network for that matter. That was in 2014. I have talked to a few people who work in the industry and they have said if not for years’ long contractual obligations, they would’ve left sooner or would have already left. More so since Trump’s presidency, it’s actually still pretty…unsafe for it to be known you’re a journalist in most of the country. That aside, I feel like I have a lot more freedom in freelance if that makes sense.

I do have some ground rules I set for myself with this blog:

  1. Don’t present information I know is not true as factual
  2. Don’t try to “right” about everything.
  3. Don’t be afrid to use the words “I don’t know” or similar phrases.
  4. Don’t be afraid to speak my mind or share my opinion.
  5. Don’t use this blog to unfairly attack people.

It’s been almost 10 years but I’ve so far kept all five of these rules I set for myself. Given this blog has just about 400 Followers, I’ll take that as a good sign of things overall.

I plan to focus more on local news and current events from around the world moving forward. If anything significant happens in regards to U.S. National News I will cover it though. That will no longer be a focus after this year is what i’m saying.

These days, local newspapers and local TV networks mostly talk about national news headlines. People don’t know much about what is going on where they live anymore and I would like to help change that in my own little way. I’ll keep my eyes open not just in my neighborhood or the Boston area but the rest of Massachusetts and the other New England states for things to write about. Just wait and see.

As an aside. I don’t remember if I mentioned this before but this blog does have an official Twitter account: @SerAdNews. Feel free to Like and Follow on Twitter.

Finally, I would like to appeal to those who have the means to strongly consider financial considerations on behalf of this blog. I’ve got PayPal links all over this blog and with everything I’m planning to do–as well as all I’ve done to now–I’ll be making an appeal for financial consideration a bit more moving forward.

If you like what you’ve read or otherwise found some of my writings interesting, hit the PayPal link–one is at the end of every article I write–and send me a tip. You can also set recurring payments if you’d like. However much you’d like to give will of course be greatly appreciated. It will for sure motivate me to keep writing as well. These days, I need all the motivation and support I can get.


If you have enjoyed this post or other posts I have made on this blog, please consider making a monetary donation via PayPal. Whatever amount you can provide would be greatly appreciated.