Why the Dems running attack ads on Moderate GOP Candidates is a bad idea and Lindsey Graham goes all-in on advocating a nationwide abortion ban

Ranked Choice Voting Gains Traction For 2020 - YES! Magazine

CNN’s pundits notably got it right this week when they revealed the Dems’ “logic” in helping Trump-backed GOP candidates win their primaries: They’re betting on beating the Trump-backed candidates in the general election in landslide victories.

They don’t want to face Moderate Republicans because they don’t think they can beat them. I’ll just put it like that. It’s a strategy that’s sure to backfire hard and more so if the Moderate Republicans decide to run as a third party candidate after losing in the primaries. CNN won’t outright say it but yes, Dems are trying to stack some elections in their favor.

As for South Carolina Republican senator Lindsey Graham, he’s basically outed himself as being aligned with Christian Nationalist movements like the New Apostalic Reformation. The news reports of infighting within the GOP over him calling for a national 15-week abortion ban are legit.

I’ve been talking to people who are in the know and they are also talking to the media as well. They’re saying Graham is being pressured by Christian Nationalist groups introduce a bill for the 15-week ban before the 2022 midterms as a stepping stone to a full ban they hope to pass after the 2024 presidental election (and assuming a Republican beats Biden). Apparently, the Christian Nationalists are worried the GOP won’t win one or both houses of Congress in 2022 and now they want the national ban before then.

Graham’s put himself at odds with his own party which is now probably regretting dumping millions into his reelection campaign back in 2018 (he beat now DNC Chairman Jamie Harrison in a landslide). The consensus within the party is they don’t want to endorse a 15-week ban–especially not ahead of the midterms–and though they know Graham is being pressured, they think it’s just Ultra Conservatives.

…Elections have consequences.

In general, the GOP is looking for something–ANYTHING–they can latch on to take attention away from Roe v. Wade being struck down. They played with fire for decades and got burned with it getting overturned. They know they pissed off many within their own party and it seems they’re finally going to start paying the price politically. We’ll see.


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