New features added to this blog!

I have some exciting news!

As of today, two of the four podcasts I’ve frequently mentioned or referenced can now be listened to from this blog: Mea Culpa and the Influence Continuum. I have also added Stephen A. Smith’s Know Mercy podcast to round things out and will add additional podcasts relevant to this blog over time. You will always be able to listen to the newest episodes of those three podcasts by default but for older episodes, you will need to either go to wherever you get your podcasts from–Apple Podcasts, Spotify, etc.–or go to the hosts’ website and listen that way.

The three embedded podcasts were pulled from Spotify as WordPress does support Spotify Embed links. Mary Trump removed her podcast from Spotify last year due to concerns it’s being used by some to spread disinformation and the platform being slow to remove said content. I have included a link to where you can listen to it but you can also look up Politicon on YouTube to watch her episodes.

As a bonus, I have ALSO embedded the Twitter feeds for all of them under their podcast Embeds. So, you can read their Tweets while on this blog. You’re welcome. I may move the Twitter Feeds to the bottom if things get too cluttered on the sidebar though. I did put a disclaimer above Michael Cohen’s Podcast and Twitter feed because he does use profanity.

I have also added a calendar and I want to explain how it works. If you see a date with an active link, a blog post on that date. You can go back as far as you want using the Calendar to see every post ever made on this blog. There was something like this in place already but I decided to add the Calendar to the sidebar to save people having to go all the way down to look back.

I’ve also added a Google Translate Embed, allowing you to translate blog posts from English into most languages. I asked friends in The Philippines, Nigeria and South Africa to test it and they said the translations are accurate. You’re welcome!

I added not one but TWO Subscribe embeds. One on the side bar and the other at the bottom. PLEASE x1000 Subscribe to this blog and more so if you have been reading for a while. Your support will be greatly appreciated!

Finally, I have put a permanent link to my PayPal on the sidebar. I’ll still drop the hyperlink below but now you no longer have to read a whole blog post to find a donate link.

The next blog post will be the long promised mail bag. My apologies for the delay. I know I should’ve posted it 3 months ago but other stuff kept coming up as I was working on it. I will for sure be posted before Election Day though.



If you have enjoyed this post or other posts I have made on this blog, please consider making a monetary donation via PayPal. Whatever amount you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Boston Community Leaders declare an unofficial state of emergency amid rising gun violence

Stations bridge gap to downtown - The Boston Globe

Honestly, I haven’t seen anything like this since the 1990s. The bad news is this is worse than back then because in the 80s and 90s, we knew what the causes of gun violence back then were: Drug abuse and gang warfare.

This time is different. More young Americans have died to gun violence domestically over the last 20 years than the number of soldiers who’ve died in Iraq and Afghanistan combined. I’ll just put it like that. When people say America has a gun problem, it’s not just in reference to Mass Shooting events that make the news.

People are really scatching their heads trying to figure out and understand what is fueling what’s so far been a 15-year surge in gun violence in most US Cities. That isn’t to say things don’t happen in suburban or rural areas to be clear. The interesting thing is statistically, cities are actually much safer than suburban and rural areas despite the violent crime elements. Gentrification over the last two decades is proof enough to say the least.

For over 50 years Milton, Massachusetts was referred to as the safest city in America due to the fact violent crime was unheard of there. Then the first recorded homicide in the city’s history happened in 1998. I remember that because it made local headlines for a while. The death investigation revealed the person was killed elsewhere and the body dumped in Milton but it still rattled a lot of locals.

For decades, suburban and rural areas have routinely been used as the final resting places for murder victims. At least in the past they bothered to bury people in shallow graves somewhere. These days, they just throw the body in a dumpster or stuff the body in a trash can. Sometimes they just kill people and leave the body where it fell.

About 10 years ago when I still lived in the Roxbury neighborhood of Boston, a man was shot and killed in his car through the wind shield. This was literally in front of the house I lived in at the time. When police came, they loaded the car on a flatbed truck, covered from front of it with a tarp and took it away. They didn’t bother trying to remove the body at the scene.

Within two years’ time, I was living in Hyde Park which is another Boston neighborhood but it is much quieter than Roxbury and Dorchester in comparison. For the most part, you don’t need to look over your shoulder in Hyde Park. I didn’t have to do this in Dorchester or Roxbury when I lived in those neighborhoods personally but I know a lot of people did regardless of their skin color or ethnicity. A lot of it was because of the unfair reputation both neighborhoods had of being crime magnets.

I don’t fear walking around anywhere in Boston at night or after midnight. I’ll just put it like that. Not saying I would unless I had to personally because the MBTA shuts down by 2AM (the last subway train in either direction on all lines leaves at 12:45AM).


The Allure of Packing Up and Moving Out of The City

The rise in violent crimes has sparked a slow exodus from U.S. Cities by mostly Black and Brown people to rural and suburban areas, often across state lines or to other countries outright. One of my cousins moved to London mostly for work opportunities a few years ago. Two others live in Florida, an uncle lives in Canada and I have an aunt who has lived on the U.S. west coast for over 20 years now.

All that said, times have changed.

It’s much more expensive to not just move but rent or buy a home than it was 15 years ago. I might have been able to afford a 1-bedroom apartment outside of Boston 15 years ago when I still worked for Boston Public Schools with the salary I had at the time. Now, I would definitely have to move out of Boston to find an apartment for less than $1,000.

Before you move, obviously you need to do research on wherever you decide to move to. I don’t own a car so in my case wherever I move to would have to have key shopping areas and public transit within walking distance. The recently announced Southeast Rail Link that will bring Commuter Rail train service to New Bedford and Fall River opened up those cities to me. So has a recently announced cross-state Commuter Rail that will connect Springfield to Boston via Worcester.

Both announcements have kicked off a bit of a buying frenzy in the housing market as people are looking to move south and west of Boston ahead of these new rail lines opening (both are a few years from construction even starting just so we’re clear). Most of them are also first-time homeowners which makes things even more interesting.

15 years ago, Black and Brown people were being pushed out of cities mostly due to Gentrification. Now people are packing up and moving out cities for personal safety reasons. The main reason cited is personal safety and that of their kids if they’re parents. Not just because of violent crime but chronic drug use in their neighborhood. People who resisted moving for years are doing it now because as the saying goes, with age comes wisdom.

I want repeat what I said earlier: Suburban and rural areas also deal with crime. Just because you don’t hear about it does not mean that they don’t have the same kinds of problems.

You actually need to be more careful as there are some who would not hesitate to try to take advantage of you knowing you’re new in town. That’s true regardless of if it’s urban, suburban or rural we’re talking about.

Before I forget. Don’t buy into the myths being pushed by some “Mostly Democrats live in cities” and “Only real Republicans live in Suburban and Rural areas”. You can live wherever you want regardless of politics. Don’t let anyone try to tell you otherwise.


If you have enjoyed this post or other posts I have made on this blog, please consider making a monetary donation via PayPal. Whatever amount you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband attacked at their San Francisco home by 2020 Election Denier

Suspect in attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband was searching for the House  speaker, sources say

News broke overnight of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s 82 year old husband Paul Pelosi being violently assaulted in their San Francisco home. Police arrived within minutes and though the suspect (I’m not using his name but it is now publicly known) was taken into custody, both the suspect and Mr. Pelosi wre taken to the hospital to be treated for injuries. Mr. Pelosi reportedly underwent surgery this morning but is expected to make a full recovery.

All questions about weather this was random, targeted or politically motivated were answered as more details were revealed. The suspect shouted “Where’s Nancy?” at Mr. Pelosi and when police arrived, he told them “We’re waiting for Nancy” before assaulting Mr. Pelosi with a hammer. Signs of a violent struggle between the suspect were made more apparent by the fact zip ties were found on the suspect, indicating he was trying to abduct Mr. Pelosi and if she was there, the House Speaker herself. I’ll leave the rest of what could have happened to your imagination.

…All I can really say is it’s begun. This is just the beginning. All 534 other members of Congress are or have since probably contacted law enforcement in their home districts to secure their homes and families. Don’t be surprised to hear of other assaults or attempted assaults–or murder of course–on either members of Congress or their family members in the days and weeks to come before AND after the midterms.

I’ve spoken out against the Democratic Party’s perception and identity problems quite a bit this month but I have always maintained the fact that the Republican Party is the clear, immediate and present threat to the U.S. both now and for years to come.


Facebook to Rename Itself 'Meta'

Stop me if you’ve heard this before: The suspect posted disturbing content on his Social Media account for years. CNN announced after 3PM EST today Facebook finally took down the suspect’s account. Too little, too late to act as usual. Facebook and Twitter have both allowed themselves to be used as sounding boards for conspiracy theories and other kinds of dangerous rhetoric for 20 years. They prefer that because it means people have eyeballs on their respective platform.

On a related note. Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk completed his buyout of Twitter last night. The first thing he did was fire the company’s top 3 executives but don’t feel bad for them: They’re due to get $200 Million combined. Musk, who spoke of wanting to make Twitter “more free speech friendly” earlier this year clarified by saying those accounts were suspended before he took over would be reviewed by a special board and be restored on a case by case basis. Mark Zuckerberg did the same thing with Facebook earlier this year mostly to not have to do content moderation himself. Yes, really.

Naturally, everyone is thinking of former president Donald Trump. His account was suspended on January 6, 2021 during the attack on the Capitol for inciting violence. Trump has since launched his own social media platform but obviously it doesn’t have anywhere near the reach his Twitter account did. He was referred to as the Tweeter in Chief for a reason. It would be fair to assume he would immediately abandon his own platform should Musk reinstate his Twitter account (despite claiming he wouldn’t).

All that said. Congress has a moral and ethical responsability to step in and hold these Social Media companies accountable. I mean NOW. Otherwise, we can just assume the 2024 Presidental election will be the last one this country ever has.


Armed 'poll watchers' loom over U.S. midterms | The Japan Times

Early voting has begun in most states but this spectacle at voting locations in Arizona is not getting as much attention as it should be. This, ladies and gentlemen is voter intimidation. Armed vigilantes have been seen camped out or having tailgate parties at polling stations since early voting ahead to in their words “make sure only those who are legally allowed to vote and all votes are counted”.

Voters and poll workers have both shared accounts of being approached by these armed unofficial poll watchers being questioned. Unsurprisingly, those who are black and brown are disproportionately singled out for harassment and intimidation by these armed vigilantes.

Some poll workers have shared accounts of being followed when leaving a poll area either to go to the restroom or leaving for the day. Law enforcement are often called mostly to make them leave. Some voters have shared accounts of being asked if they’re registered to vote, where they live or to show their ID.

If you’re waiting to vote or just voted and someone approaches you asking these kinds of questions, they are breaking the law and you do not have to answer. If they do not back off, contact the police immediately.


Laws & Regulations | Homeland Security

Breaking News: The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced early this evening there is a large and widespread threat of violence before, during and after the midterms. DHS cited misinformation and conspiracy theories as well as violent rhetoric being shared online for the warning on a day that coincides with the attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband.

Despite what I said above, do not let this warning scare you out of going to vote on Election Day. That’s what those calling for violence want. Keep your eyes and ears open and be wary of suspicious-looking people. I’m pretty sure most locations will have an increased law enforcement presence because of this bulletin from DHS though.

If you do not feel comfortable going to your usual polling location on Election Day, you can elect to vote early at designated locations or via mail-in voting with enough notice. If you opt for a mail-in or absentee ballot, make sure it’s mailed or dropped off in time to be counted. When going to a designated dropbox location, keep your eyes open for signs of vandalism or suspicious people. If need be, you can deliver your mail-in or absentee ballot in person to a designated election office as long as it’s received or postmarked before to before Election Day.


If you have enjoyed this post or other posts I have made on this blog, please consider making a monetary donation via PayPal. Whatever amount you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

At this point, Kanye West deserves to lose every dime he has

Biggest Marketing Fails Ever & What to Learn from Them 🧠

If you haven’t yet, listen to Stephen A. Smith’s Kanye West: Part II episode of his Know Mercy podcast which dropped on Monday. SAS doesn’t hold back and opens the episode be plainly stating he was wrong to give West, age 45 the benefit of the doubt and space to self-correct. Part I dropped on October 10 which he references in the first half of the the episode.

The growing Tsunami of businesses, organizations and others unequivocally condemning West’s antisemetic comments was revealed to have gone back decades this week. Former staff who worked under West have come forward to state West is obsessed with Adolph Hitler. The reason we are only now hearing about this is because they were bound by Non-Disclosure Agreements and similar kinds of confidentiality. West being antisemetic was kept a closely guarded secret as a condition of working with or for him.

Apparently, West adamantly wanted to call his 2018 Album “Ye”–which he legally changed his name to–Hitler and refused to move on that until the very last minute. Aside from his antisemetic rhetoric, West claimed Slavery was a choice–referencing African Americans enslaved before the Civil War. As announced last week, West is in the process of buying Parler which is basically Twitter for people to spew hate speech and conspiracy theories.

Easily most grievously, West has started to parrot (racist) claims–despite overwhelming proof of otherwise which 5 people have so far gone to court and been found guilty over–George Floyd died from a Fentanyl overdose, not the actions of the five officers involved with his arrest.

Floyd’s family was so outraged, disgusted and hurt by West’s comments that they have hired a team of attorneys to sue him for defamation and more. It’s a slam dunk case against West and he is sure to lose a LOT of money if he doesn’t settle out of court. Hearsay and speculation are not a good defense in court so…yeah.

Kanye West and Donald Trump Take Chaos Mainstream in the Oval Office | Vanity Fair

For the better part of the last 15 years, most of us dismissed West as simply mentally ill after his mother passed away suddenly in 2007. Donda C. West passed away after developing a bacterial infection from a botched plastic surgery procedure. She died within days and her son was devastated. I prefer to believe West’s mother did not know her son idolized Hitler because if she did, there is no way she would have kept quiet about it let alone tolerated it.

West notably considered getting into politics during the 2018 midterms at then president Trump’s urging. Many of West’s longtime friends in the music industry were shocked and disturbed by his fast friendship with Trump. More so after learning he was being pushed to run for Congress in California by the Republican Party.

The GOP withdrew its support due to the controversy and concerns raised by the public about West’s mental health. Trump had been hoping to use West’s then still considerable popularity within the Black Community to get Black voters to vote for the GOP in 2018 and 2020. It’s the same with him backing former football player Hershel Walker in the Georgia Senate race.

Stephen A Smith recounted reports of Hip Hop artist P. Diddy trying to reach out to West regarding his antisemetic rhetoric online. West dismissed him and accused him of being a puppet of Jewish masters who are telling him what to say. Further, West accuses anyone who approaches him or others who hold anti-semetic views of being puppets of the Jewish community.

Yes, really.

Norega, Jay-Z and LeBron James and all reportedly had West as a guest on their respective podcast, radio show or TV show after getting assurances he would not promote his anti-semetism. All three were forced to either stop recording or not air the finished interview due to his anti-semetic rhetoric. In the case of Jay-Z’s podcast, West put his fingers in his years and started babbling when Jay-Z tried to rebuff him. It’s recorded and yes really.


Twitter 上的Fire the Fool:""Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it." - Sir Winston Churchill #Learn #Resist #TrumpRussia #NoNaziUSA" / Twitter

I can second a point Stephen A. Smith made in the podcast episode I mentioned earlier: Priority #1 for all 16 Million Jews worldwide is to NEVER forget what led the Holocaust. It didn’t happen overnight. A series of events over the course of several years led to it.

After World War I, Hitler blamed Jews for Germany losing that war. Not only was Germany devastated by those killed and injured but the economy collapsed, it lost some territory AND it was forced to pay reparations to France and the UK. Hitler claimed Jews were to blame because they “owned all the banks, courts and controlled the government”. Repeat a lie enough times and people will begin to believe it.

Hitler tapped into anti-government sentiment he knew was festering among many Germans and used it to propel himself into politics. By the time Hitler became Chancellor in 1933 he had already laid the groundwork to strip Jews in Germany of their rights as citizens, confiscate their homes, close their businesses and have them sent to concentration camps. He then repeated this in countries Germany invaded starting with Austria and the rest as the saying goes is history.

As a reminder, there are still several thousand people who survived the Holocaust who are alive now as well as millions whose relatives died during the Holocaust. This is to say nothing of the several thousand veterans who fought in World War II that are still alive now. Despite having heard it direct from those who lived it, there are millions of people who insist the Holocaust never happened.

Holocaust denialism really started to surge globally after the president of Syria publicly stated in the mid-2000s he didn’t believe the Holocaust actualy happened. When asked why in an interview, he reasoned he doesn’t believe it’s possible for a country to kill 6 million of one kind of people without proof or evidence. Of course, there is proof and evidence Germany and Austria have preserved for all time so no one ever forgets what happened.

I have talked to some who’ve lost family members of the Holocaust. They have expressed disgust and outrage at Holocaust deniers who dismiss their testimony as “Zionist lies and propaganda”. Not that different from those who believe mass shooting events are staged actually. On that note, the so far worst Antisemetic mass shooting in U.S. History took place in 2018. A guman walked into a Synagogue and killed 11 people. I almost put “so far” in parentheses but changed my mind because history tells me worse will likely happen sooner than later.


The true story behind this extraordinary abandoned record warehouse

At this point and in closing, I am of the mindset West needs to be ostracized socially and financially until he publicly apologizes for his antisemetic rhetoric, denounces Adolph Hitler and denounces hate speech. Record labels can cancel their contracts with him or even just buy it out otherwise. Online stores and physical stores can removed his music as well. It would not be very hard to hit him where it would hurt the most financially.

Kanye West is the latest cautionary tale of why the practice of Hero Worship needs to stop in our society. West is one of those who unfortunately let the fame and fortune his music granted him turn him into a sick, twisted guy who legit believes he is better than everyone else. He has boasted, claiming he is the richest black man in U.S. History. He was worth $7 Billion but his net worth is now estimated be about $400 Million. He lost $1.5 Billion when Addidas cut its ties with him so…yeah.

In the last two weeks, West is believed to have lost almost 75% of his next worth because of his anti-semetic rhetoric. I agree 100% with those who say his self-destruction should NOT be televised.

Mc Hammer designs, themes, templates and downloadable graphic elements on Dribbble

There was another Hip Hop artist who used to have that mindset about 30 years ago: Stanley Kirk Burrell aka MC Hammer. His meteoric rise within the Hip Hop Community was legendary but even more notable was his meteoric fall. Mounting unpaid debts, lavish spending and luxry taxes saw the face of the Hip Hop Community at the time trade his mansion for a humble abode almost overnight.

Speaking of those times, MC Hammer recalled feeling profound shame and embarrassment when debt collectors took his gold chains from around his neck. He filed for banruptcy in 1996 and even fell into some legal trouble. He has since used what happened to him as a warning to other up and coming Black Hip Hop Artists to be careful with their money.

At his height, he was worth $70 Million. If you adjust for inflation, that’s several billion in today’s money. “I had an up-close and personal conversation with God and he spanked me. I deserved it.” he said in one interview to describe what happened to him. MC Hammer is now an ordained minister and reality TV producer in Oakland but he has been making a return to the spotlight via TV ads and other appearances.

Getting back to Kanye West. J. Cole’s 2016 cover track False Prophets has been getting a second look this month. The basic premise of the song is why it’s a bad idea to idolize celebrities. Athough he doesn’t name him, the song is clearly about Kanye West.

Here it is but NSFW due to profanity:

Six years ago, J. Cole warned everyone in this song. This song aside, no one can say they didn’t know. The warning signs were in plain sight for YEARS.

I’m gonna record an audio podcast on this at some point because it can’t be overstated:


Commenting on West’s antisemetic rhetoric in a recent interview, iconic rapper Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson made an interesting point: West wanted people to think he was crazy for a while but he knows exactly what he’s doing because someone who was mental wouldn’t say the things West is saying.

Another way to look at it is West fits the Sad Clown Paradox. In the world of psychiartry, the Sad Clown Paradox is basically someone who makes others laugh and smile–usually professionally–but are themselves depressed. The late Anthony Bordain and Robin Williams, who both died by suicide are two very famous recent examples.

I get those who insist West should be treated with compassion–there is the saying “Hurt people (will) hurt people”–but that can come after he has seen the damage his rhetoric has done to not just himself and others. It cost him his marriage, his money and more to say the least.



If you have enjoyed this post or other posts I have made on this blog, please consider making a monetary donation via PayPal. Whatever amount you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

If you thought almost 3 years of COVID-19 was bad, how about rising Pediactric RSV cases across the U.S.?


You know the popular saying “Just wait for it?” Here you go.

The media’s only talking about it now–some Right-leaning media outlets blaming that on almost 3 years of COVID-19 coverage–but there have actually been rising Pediactric RSV cases in the U.S. in recent years. Cases have been spiking since 2020 but as noted, COVID-19 dominated medical headlines for almost 3 years.

The increased measures to slow the spread of COVID-19 from masking to vaccination to most of the world being home created an Immunity Gap for RSV. That’s actually not a bad thing. What it meant was RSV and other respiratory illnesses didn’t spread as easily and quickly as usual. Now that things have opened up again, it’s basically playing catch up.

Unlike COVID-19 and the Flu, there is NOT a vaccine for RSV. It can be treated at a hospital if it’s caught early enough though. This is going to be real easy to remember but RSV sympthoms in kids are not that different from Flu or COVID-19 sympthoms. The biggest clue is difficulty breathing. In infants and toddlers, you want to pay close attention to changes in their eating and bathroom habits. If they seem to be in distress, seek medical help ASAP.

Scared yet? No? Well, now America has to deal with what’s already being referred to as a Tridemic this coming winter: RSV, COVID-19 AND the Flu. I mean all at the same time. Even worse is due to Congress failing to act in time, it’s set off a chain reaction that will for sure lead to a lot of needless deaths in the coming months. Just wait for it.

I say that knowing as we speak, some are already telling people online the best ways to treat their kids sick with RSV is aromatherapy, inhaling warm steam or having them sit outside. They conveniently don’t tell you what to do if your kid loses consciousness though. No, it’s not their fault your kid died because you chose to listen to them over taking your kid to a hospital.


Omicron Booster Shots: When to Get It, How It Feels

The updated COVID-19 boosters are now available and just in time for the upcoming holiday seasons. The new boosters are Bivalent meaning you’re getting two vaccines in one: The original COVID-19 virus and the two Omicron Variants BA.4 and BA.5 from earlier this year.

The unfortunate news is the updated boosters don’t provide as much protection from the two new subvariants the medical community is urgently sounding the alarm on as initially hoped. The new subvariants are driving up new case numbers across the country but most notably in the Northeast.

But wait, the news gets worse: Because of Congress’ failure to act, the money used to provide the COVID-19 vaccines and boosters for free will run out at the end of this year. You’ll still be able to get a vaccinated but it’ll cost you $130 to $150 per shot (Note: The vaccines actually cost $5 per shot everywhere else in the world). The good news is health insurance providers will cover that though if you don’t have health insurance, you’re basically screwed.

According to the CDC, only 10% of those who are eligable have so far gotten the updated booster(!). Unless that drastically changes in a hurry, we can just look forward to seeing case numbers in numbers we haven’t seen since last year when Omicron first popped up. 68% of Americans did complete their primary shots but so far most of those who did still have not gotten a single booster. That’s a problem.

As it happens, you can get a booster 3 to 6 months after completing your primary shots. The exception is if your booster is the Bivalent shot. You only need to wait 2 months after completing your primary shots. If it’s been two or more months since you got your second shot, you can get a booster now. If you haven’t been vaccinated yet, now’s a good time to get started on that.


FDA Approves Bivalent COVID Boosters

On a related note.

The overwhelming majority of those being hospitalized with COVID-19 have been those who remain unvaccinated. That is no longer being heavily disputed or denied by the anti-vax movement. What they’re doing instead is they’ve pivoted hard to encouraging people to make soups, shakes and fruit drinks to boost their immune system “with no side effects”. That only works for so long and what they don’t tell you–mostly because they legit don’t know themselves–is overworking your immune system can be very dangerous.

You don’t want your immune system to always be boosted like that. You want it to be balanced. It’s already been proven taking the same kind of supplements or vitamins does nothing to help you. Longterm repetition loses its effectiveness, creating a placebo effect. This is also why those who got sick with COVID-19 and chose to trust in boosting their immune system alone learned the hard way, many losing their lives.

Here’s a bit of encouraging news for those who actually did get vaccinated to be aware of. Researchers looked at the antibodies of those who had moderate to strong immune response after getting vaccinated or boosted. Those who had a stronger immune response showed a much more robust antibodies compared to those who had little to no side effects. This isn’t to say those who had little to no side effects weren’t getting the benefits. It simply means those who had a strong immune response were better protected.


Boston lifts proof of vaccination requirement for businesses

Businesses quietly started lifting their vaccination requirements for patrons and employees at the beginning of the year but we may start seeing a mask requirement return in the coming weeks.

On a related note. State and city governments have started to hire back those who were let go for refusing to get vaccinated on a rolling basis. Some states like New York and Connecticuit have taken it a step further by giving those who were let go due to vaccine requirements back pay in addition to offering them their jobs back.

I have always drawn a hard distinction between those who choose not to get vaccinated for personal and/or theocratic reasons from those who can’t get vaccinated for legit medical reasons such as being immunocompromised or being a newborn. I don’t have a problem with people who were fired for not getting vaccinated being offered their old job back. I don’t have a problem with them being offered back pay either.

What I do have a problem with this mentality those who refuse to get vaccinated have that governments used vaccine mandates for work, travel, theaters, sports arenas and dining to make people get vaccinated against their will. That is not and never has been the case at all. You don’t have the get vaccinated. You just have to accept the fact you won’t be able to do certain things while the vaccine mandate is in place. You don’t get to have it both ways.

Those who refused to get vaccinated were why the mandates were made necessary. It’s why the country and the world was able to open up some quickly. Right now, about 22% of eligable Americans remain unvaccinated. If not for the vaccine mandates, that number would probably be 45%. Things certainly would not have opened up as much as they have either.

You can’t have a functioning society with a highly contagious being allowed to spread freely and unchecked. This is where public health and safety needs to be prioritized over personal preferences. It’s not that people didn’t know how to protect themselves and others. They just didn’t want to and felt they didn’t have to if they didn’t want to. THAT was why the vaccine mandates had to be done.

The main reason Biden, governors and mayors greenlit the vaccine mandates was because businesses large and small asked for help with it. Most of the businesses that were forced to close because of the pandemic are not coming back. If you’re a business owner and you want to stay open, you’ll do whatever you feel you have to do while not allowing your business to be a place for disease to spread freely. They asked to government for help enforcing a vaccine mandate to better help ensure they’re not forced to shut down due to someone who was there testing positive for COVID-19.

As a reminder, the U.S. has a consumer-driven economy. That’s what sets it apart from other modern nations. Capitalism comes before everything else in this country. This is also why Wall St. is and always will be known as the (unofficial) 4th branch of the government. When the economy has problems, it affects the entire country like it or not.

Getting back to those who want a religious exemption from getting vaccinated. I talked about this on my blog on the subject already but there is no conspiracy between the government and churches to force people to get vaccinated. As soon as news broke the vaccines now available were granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) two years ago, people turned to their church denomination’s leadership and basically made this ultimatum: Grant us religous exemption against getting this vaccine or else.” In most cases, “or else” was leaving their denomination and allying themselves with charismatic online televangelists who shared their views.

Why did every known and recognized Christian denomination from the Roman Catholic Church to Seventh Day Adventist Church unamimously endorse the COVID-19 vaccines? Because they looked into it themselves and determined they’re safe and do as advertised. They were not approached by governments or the World Health Organization like some claim with no proof or evidence.

Here’s the thing that most “disappointed” to not get a religous exemption ignored: Their denomination wasn’t even saying everyone should get a COVID-19 vaccine. They are simply saying they looked into it and determined the vaccines were safe and work. They stopped short of saying people must get it and that it is a personal decision either way. They didn’t wait for governments to approach them. They took the initiative.

I’m just DONE with people saying vaccine mandates violated their religious beliefs. They like to claim they’re not anti-medicine or anti-vaccine and actually makes their arguement of wanting religious exemption for just this vaccine even weaker. More new diseases are coming soon and I have little doubt people will make the same demands of religious exemptions for those vaccines when they’re made too.

People want a license to be selfish at the end of the day. I’ll just put it like that.


If you have enjoyed this post or other posts I have made on this blog, please consider making a monetary donation via PayPal. Whatever amount you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Artificial Intelligence expert Dr. Rand Waltzman to the World: “Beware of the Metaverse!”


The Cognitive Crucible Episode #100 Rand Waltzman on the Metaverse and Immersive Virtual Reality

For at least the last few years now, Immersive Virtual Reality has been science fiction no more. When I was a kid, I remember reading books that described virtual reality as computer-generated worlds so sophisticated and detailed, it was no different from the reality.

Dr. Rand Waltzman sat with Dr. Steven Hassan in the lastest episode of the Inflience Continum Podcast and things got pretty sobering in a hurry. I was running errands and if not for that, I probably would have fainted at least twice. His tried to warn the government in the early years of Social Media and the internet but his warnings were mostly ignored.

Dr. Waltzman worked for DARPA in the 70s and 80s. He is an expert on Artificial Intelligence as well as Psych Ops and 4th Generation Warfare. You know 4GW but not the name itself: Terrorist groups, cyber ops and other types of non-government groups focus on not the enemy in front of them but the enemy giving the orders. In other words, the state and others in power. The attack on the U.S. Capitol on 1/6/2021 is an example of that too.

The introduction of the Metaverse to a unprepared and unquipped world creates a host of legal, ethical and legal problems as well as a new warfront for those who may be looking to do you or your loved ones harm. I’m talking about war against the mind itself and your perceptions.

The most effective types of psychological warfare are the kinds in which you don’t even know you’re being attacked. There is little to no reason or need to engage in a kinetic or physical war if you can manipuate people mentally and emotionally. Combined with artificial intelligence, the Metaverse is going to make it far easier for people with bad intentions to attack countless unsuspecting minds worldwide.

…Fiction is about to get real.

Why Private Companies and Entrepreneurs Will Dominate the Metaverse |

Virtual Reality as an idea has been around for a long time. It was conceptionalized in various fictional mediums since the late 70s. I mean movies, TV Shows, video games and more recently the internet as well as Augmented Reality.

Virtual Worlds as a concept has been heavily popularized and romanticized over the last two years in movies like Ready, Player One, Japanese anime like Sword Art Online and video games like Assassin’s Creed. In all three example cases I referenced, people from the real world basically have their minds uploaded into a virtual world that is almost completely indistinguishable from the real world.

All five senses are engaged in real time and in the case of the first season of Sword Art Online, dying in the virtual world means dying for real. In all three cases the subjects know they’re in a virtual world from the beginning but their disbelief is suspended due to how detailed and sophisticated the world they’re in is.

Fiction doesn’t touch on this as much as it should but prolonged time someone spends in virtual reality can really mess with a vulnerable person in unforeseen ways. The biggest and most obvious being while your mind is being engaged in the virtual world, your physical body is still in the real world unaware of the passage of time. In recent decades, they sidestep the obvious physiological problems with this in Fiction by having it explained while the mind is in the virtual world, the body is asleep. That doesn’t make it any better and more so given the passage of time in a virtual world would likely be much faster than the passage of time in the real world.

Try to imagine being in a virtual world for 10 days but only two or three hours have passed in reality for example. That’s also going to be one of the ways companies will try to get people to spend large amounts of time engaged in virtual reality: “You can spend as much time as you want in our world(s) and not miss much in reality”. I can imagine a scenario in which someone spends years’ worth of time in a virtual world in a single session but only 8 to 12 hours have passed in reality. That could be pretty shocking or traumatic for someone whose mind was in another world for a long time to then return to reality knowing what they experienced in the virtual world was far more appealing to them than what their real life is.

In other words, we could see vulnerable people just decide they want to live in worlds of their own making instead of reality. In time, their perception of what reality is becomes warped and typically does by the time they decide they prefer virtual reality over reality.

Before Virtual Reality becomes more commonplace nationally and globally, laws and regulations need to be put in place to prevent the exploitation and abuse of the users. I could imagine a scenario in which virtual reality is used to attack people in ways they otherwise couldn’t be harmed. I am doing this on a singular level but imagine this being done on a much larger scale involving thousands and millions of people.


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That brings me to this more immediate threat of misuse of Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence that everyone on the planet should be concerned about right now: Cognitive Dissonance.

As described in the image above, Cognitive Dissonance is when someone who holds a strong core belief is presented with contrarian evidence and rejects it in favor of their core belief. They reject any evidence that know conflicts with their core belief.

Remember what I said earlier: The most effective kind of psychological attack is the kind in which the subject doesn’t know they’re being attacked. A lot of the mass manipulation that has been going on across the world over just the last 20 years will be nothing compared to what is coming with the Metaverse and A.I. Dr. Waltzman is trying to warn the world: If you choose to enter the Metaverse, be on your guard.

You may have heard this in Sci-Fi or Fantasy books or movies: “Don’t trust your senses. They can fool you.” Anyone who dabbles in the Metaverse or any other kind of virtual reality should assume that at all times.



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America’s Triple Threats: Hero Worship, The Strongman and Cancel Culture

AI Ethics: Three Pillars to Staying Accountable

It wasn’t until I listened to Alan Dershowitz’s interview with Michael Cohen on the Mea Culpa podcast that I realized I was on the right track in terms of examining extremism on the Left. The problem is it’s much deeper and far more extensive than I realized.

I am now going to publicly admit for the first time ever Cancel Culture is the most perverse, vile and divisive ideas ever made in modern history. That podcast episode opened my eyes to just how extensive Cancel Culture really is as well as all it’s done over the last 14 years to kill and discourage debating people with differing viewpoints or ideologies. That’s the fast track to killing healthy debate and idea exchange in any society. It’s also been proven far more effective than state-imposed thought and information control the Right and the Left accuse the other of wanting to impose.

The way the Left has weaponized Cancel Culture over the last 18 years made the Right going down the fast track of embracing Authoritorianism and Christian Nationalism an eventuality. The warning signs were there for decades but before Cancel Culture became a thing via the internet, those tendancies were mostly kept in check. Dealing with that IS important–it is the immediate threat right now–but we should not ignore what led to it’s rapid rise during the Trump years.

Let’s turn back the clock to 2005: The Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled in favor of a Lesbian couple. That ruling legalized Gay Marriage. Eight years later, the U.S Supreme Court ruled in favor of James Obergafell who used the Massachusetts case as a reference. As a result of that ruling, Gay Marriage was legalized nationwide.

Between those two court rulings, the Dems wasted no time throwing their support behind the Gay Rights Movement. Why? Because many outspoken people on the Right expressed their opposition of Gay Marriage. The Dems decided to embrace the LGBTQ+ community to stick it to the “intolerant Conservatives” not knowing what they were really supporting.

What the GOP has been doing to dissenters since 2016 the Dems did in the mid-2000s: Any Dems who dared to express opposition to Gay Marriage were basically either forced to publicly recant or keep silent publicly. Those who refused to do either were publicly shamed or attacked for their viewpoint. I know many of you know what i’m taking about.

There were ripple effects the Dems clearly didn’t foresee that quickly popped up in Education, Small Businesses, Local Government Offices and Mass Media in particular:


  • Most Colleges and Universities wasted no time declaring themselves safe spaces for the LGBTQ+ community. Any student or staff who dared to express anti-LGBTQ+ views were basically treated as pariahs and labeled as intolerant for refusing to go against their moral or religious beliefs.
  • In both Primary (K-12) and Secondary Education (College level), students started getting taught the recent history of the Gay Rights movement leading up to Gay Marriage being legalized. Parents of children who opposed Gay Marriage were outraged when they learned their children were being taught these things without their knowledge or consent. In their minds, their children were being indoctrinated and honestly they weren’t wrong to feel that way. More so given the lesson plans were developed at least in part by GLAAD–The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation.
  • Small business owners who held strong religious views were basically forced to either close, compromise or be sued when they were approached by Same Sex couples. GLAAD and the ACLU–the American Civil Liberties Union–backed or in some cases funded class action lawsuits against Small Business owners claiming the Same Sex couples were discriminated against by the business owners. Nevermind the fact the lawsuits were being done to punish mostly people exercising their Freedom of Religion. Churches and Republicans with deep pockets lined up to back the defendants. After the first few lawsuits were beaten, business owners have made it a point to have their religious or moral objections to Same Sex Marriage written in plain view in their business so no one can say in advance they didn’t know.
  • County Clerks who opposed Gay Marriage on Religious or Moral grounds were demonized by the vocal minority who accused them of being intolerant for standing their ground, many getting death threats. Some resigned or moved away due to pressure and harassment encouraged to a degree by Democrats. Friends and neighbors who they had a friendly relationship with them became hostile overnight because of this issue.
  • In years between Massachusetts legalizing Gay Marriage and then the Supreme Court legalizing it nationally, many well-known public figures such Rosie O’Donnell, Raven Simone and Queen Latifah publicly revealed they were Gay or Lesbian. These announcements came after the generations of actors who came before them had to hide their true sexuality until after their careers ended. Former Olympic Gold Medalst Kyle Jenner famously announced on a primetime TV interview  he was going to transition to become a woman. That moment opened the floodgates to TV shows and movies feeling more comfortable featuring Same Sex relationships without advance warning.

Anyone who was 7+ years old 10 years ago probably remembers the public backlash Target got for announcing their restrooms would be unisex to accommodate Transgender persons. Many parents regardless of political and religious views were understandably VERY concerned men with evil intentions would use that as a cover to harass women and girls. Who did Target consult before making that decision? GLAAD, of course.

In response to the backlash against Target for their new bathroom policy, GLAAD basically said they didn’t understand what and why people were upset over what a company was doing to be “inclusive”. At GLAAD’s urging and with the ACLU’s backing, Target stood its ground but later quietly revised its bathroom policy.

In 2015, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) issued a public apology for classifying Homosexuality as a Mental Disorder nearly 60 years earlier. It had already been formally removed as a diagnosed Mental Illness in 1973 though no public apology had been given at that time. Despite the changes in policies, the APA and the Medical World both contend biologically, there are only two genders: Male and Female.

On that note. It wasn’t long before challenges to Gender Identity started coming. Many pastors, evangelists and other Christian charismatics make it a point to remind their audiences no one questioned the differences between a man and a woman until the mid-2000s. The differences are not just physical on that note.

Gender reassignment surgery and hormone treatments don’t completely change everything either. Statistically, more Transgender Men (Female to Male) undergo Gender Reassignment Surgery than Transgender Women (Male to Female).

Some of you may remember the imfamous “Pregnant Man” Oprah interview from 10 years ago. “He” was a woman (married to a woman) who transitioned to identify as a man but elected to not have gender reassignment surgery. “He” underwent estrogen treatments (Female Hormones) to allow “Him” to become pregnant via donor sperm. “His” pregnancy story sparked controversy and outrage from many who were upset over the fact “He” was being allowed to call “Himself” a pregnant “man” despite being biologically female.

On that note. A few years before this story broke, Trans Rights advocates were aggressively working to get churches to compromise–with the support of the Democratic Party to an extent. “God made a mistake”, they reasoned. “I’m supposed to be a Female/Male, not Male/Female.” Common sense and basic logic dictate Feelings alone don’t make a good arguement. Yet, hundreds of churches gave in to pressure to compromise.

By now many of you are probably wondering “Why are you going so hard on the topic every time you talk about it?”. It’s because like Darwin’s theory of evolution, it’s an illogical belief being presented as fact despite contrary evidence that easily disputes the assertions of it. Nevermind the obvious demonization of those who are being demonized and dismissed as “intolerant” simply for refusing to compromise their religious beliefs.

As a reminder, simply saying “There are only two genders”–which is an irrefutable fact–is now considered hate speech to our society. Why? Because those who are Transgender or want to self-identify as “Other”–and want to be legally recognized as such–don’t like it. They want their “truth” but the problem is they demand everyone accept their “Truth”.

They know they have the eyes and ears of the Democratic Party and they’re pulling out all the stops to try to make eveyone acknowledge and accept their “Truth” through laws and “Reeducation”. This is called thought control and indoctrination. They had a headstart in Primary Education but many concerned parents are catching up and fighting back.

To close this part of the article, I want repeat what I said in a past post on the subject: The LGBTQ+ Community is soon going to see a lot of their recent gains reversed. I do think Obergafell will be overturned personally and we won’t have to wait 49 years for it to happen. It is inevitable.

I am starting to see the signs the Democratic Party is distancing itself from GLAAD in particular. Ever since they aligned with GLAAD, the GOP has been making the  case “The Democrats don’t believe in God and embrace Homosexuality”. The second part of that was something the Dems prided themselves in but clearly not anymore.

The Dems are finally starting to see what the GOP and most sane people knew all along: The Trans community, Nonbinary community and their allies want to redefine gender identity no one questioned for centuries. More so among those who are devout Christians. More and more Dems are getting sick and tired of having to give lip service to the LGBTQ+ Community and some are leaving the party. In other words, the LGBTQ+ Community is fast becoming a liability for the Dems politically.

All that said, the next few years are sure to be very, VERY interesting.


Herbert Spencer Quote: “Hero-worship is strongest where there is least regard for human freedom.”

Brandon Sanderson Quote: “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

The first and second commandment.pptx

Stop me if you’ve heard things like this before from both sides: “Only I can solve our nation’s problems. Only I know what’s best to move the country forward and bring people together.” You’ve heard both Democrats and Republicans say variations of this in campaign speeches your whole life I’m sure. Some presidents like Reagan, Clinton, Obama and Trump are more charismatic than others. Multiply that by the hundreds for governors, mayors and congresspeople at the state and federal levels.

During Bush 43’s presidency, the Democrats were basically leaderless. During Obama’s presidency, Republicams were basically leaderless. Right now, both parties are basically leaderless. Why? Because both parties have moved further to the Right or Left at the same time. That’s never happened before.

Both parties are looking for a Hero or Strongman they can unite under. The Democrats are desperately looking for someone to replace Biden and the GOP is looking for someone not as insane as Trump. Culturally, America has has a problem with Hero Worship since the end of World War II. Not just politicians obviously but the U.S. Military, Athletes, Celebrities and other public figures.

The problem is the old saying as shown above: Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. I mentioned the Second Commandment above because of the overt worship of people, fictional characters and manmade constructs that has become prevalent in modern societies. I’ll get to that in a bit but first, let’s focus on Strongman Politics.

The concept of a Strong Man as the head of state in modern society really started with the rise of Adolf Hitler in 1930s Germany. It’s easy to forget it took Hilter three tries to force his way into German politics. Like all autocrats, he manufactured crisises within the country and steadily built support first among Ultra Conservatives who felt threatened by the influences of Liberalism. If not for Hitler, Germany may have become the first country in the world to have legalized Gay Marriage.

While most of Hilter’s suporters in the German government thought he was insane, the reason supported his third run for office was because they foolishly believed he would have been easier to control that way. How wrong they would be proven to be. By the time Hitler became Vice Chancellor, the Nazi Party had already taken over German Parilament. Still, those who saw him as a useful idiot chose to continue backing him because in their minds, it was better than letting their political rivals regain power.

When the Chancellor at the time died suddenly, Hitler got a promotion. He immediately started cleaning house and consolidating power, completing his hostile takover of Germany with almost no resistance. The rest is history. It was this same playbook Trump followed and is also why there were so many comparisons with him. Most especially the fact both were–in the case of Trump, IS–cult leaders. The clear differences Trump had from Hitler is he didn’t have complete control of the government or even the majority of the American people despite his best efforts.

This is to say nothing of the rise of Autocracy and Fascism in longtime Democracies in the Americas, Europe, Africa and Southeast Asia. What is driving this disturbing trend? Growing awareness of the public of Corruption within their governments. Widespread distrust of the government and widespread lack of faith in the government are the openings would-be autocrats like to exploit. “Elect me and I promise you I will get rid of all the corruption.” We’ve been hearing that in America for 60 years. What they really often mean is “Elect me and not only will I be just as corrupt as who I replace but I’ll do everything I can to make sure you don’t hear about it.”

This is to say nothing of the fact autocrats like things to be fast and loose. By design, bueurocracy–referred to in government as “red tape”–slows down processes so that at the very least there is oversign and a vetting process made by two or more people. When one person is running everything, that mostly eliminates the need for beurocratics. The further up the chain and the wider the influence we’re talking about–a medium to high-income country for example–the less important it is for an autocracy.

Trump notably did not fill most of the open cabinet positions when he was president. He explained it wasn’t as efficient as if he handled things himself while also pointing out there were no laws requiring those vacant positions be filled. In reality, he ran the White House the same way he liked to run his companies: Fast and loose. In doing this, he also gave his supporters the impression he was “cleaning house” as he promised. In reality, he just didn’t want to have to personally deal with the additional personnel. Like I said, fast and loose.

This brings me back to the saying I mentioned at the beginning of this section: Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. When this country was founded, it was decided this country would not have a king or a king-like figure. One person wouldn’t be calling all the shots. This is why America has thre branches of government.

The problem is all three branches have problems instigated by both political parties:

  • Congress has done very little over the last 26 years in particular. As a result, both the President and Supreme Court have been forced to legislate via executive order or the bench respectively.
  • Over the last 30 years in particular, the president is viewed as benevolent or a Dictator depending on their party affiliation. Supreme Court confirmation hearings by Congress are heavily politicized and drawn out when they happen.
  • Both parties vie for majority control of the Supreme Court because whichever party controls the Supreme Court is guaranteed to have the advantage for decades due to lifetime appointments.

Autocrats and Authoritorians present themselves as the “answer” to the corruption in government. Their growing popularity speaks to the fact people are sick and tired of not seeing their government working for them and want to see things happening by any means. That and more so in recent decades with the rise of social media, people want instant gratification.

Modern society no longer seems to have the patience for progress that will take time before you will see results. Autocrats know all this and it’s why their popularity is on the rise. They promise fast results and immediate action on every hot-button issue knowing in reality, almost everything takes time to be sorted out like it or not.

That’s how things should be. You should not want or like one person deciding everything while ignoring other viewpoints and opinions. Not in a Democracy you shouldn’t. As a system of government, Democracies have glaring issues. The alternatives are far worse in comparison. The Far Right wants Authoritorianism, the Far Left wants Neo Liberalism and most big Companies want an Oligarthy.

Most Americans just want a government that gets things done when it counts, doesn’t infringe on their personal lives and doesn’t treat some favorably over others based on wealth or popularity. You know, stuff everyone already wants.

DemDaily: Third Political Party(s) - DemList


Some drastic changes will need to be made for sure but since the Dems and the GOP are fighting to preserve the status quo, that’s all the more both parties need to be forcefully broken up. In reality, most Americans can be fit into 5 to 9 different political idologies. Based on just that, it makes no sense for there to only be two political parties. There should be at least 5 or 6.

This brings me to-you guessed it–the Forward Party. Co-Founded by former Democratic presidental candidate Andrew Yang, the main premise of this new political party is to move beyond the partisan bickering and partisan deadock the other two parties only seem to care about.

The only thing more dangerous than that is the fact the Democratic Party’s open hostility toward the Forward Party since its inception. Why? Because the Dems blame third party candidates for their losing the 2000 (Ralph Nader) and 2016 (Jill Stein) presidential elections. In their minds and in the minds of their pundits and podcast hosts, third party candidates are a liability. They tell the public and themselves third party candidates split the vote and make it easier for Republicans to win elections.

That makes the Democrats as anti-choice as the GOP if not worse. With the rift between “traditional” Dems and “progressive” Dems getting worse, a clean break is inevitable. The establishment Dems know they need the progressives for the time being even though they don’t like them. For now, they’re waiting for the right time. The progressives know that too and it makes sense some like Alexandria Oscario-Cortez are not publicly saying if they will back Biden in 2024 yet. It’s called being smart, not coy.

All that said. The Forward Party and the Progressives are the least of the Dems’ concerns right now. They’re now projected to narrowly hold the House of Representatives but if they want to boost their chances, they are going to have to get something done. They also need to heed the advice of political analysts and talk about something other than Trump and Abortion. The GOP still has a good chance of taking the Senate unless they shift focus.



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1/6 Committe Ends Final Public Hearing with Unanimous Vote to Supoena Donald Trump

How a public hearing is different from an investigation – and what that means for the Jan. 6 committee

The last public hearing by the 1/6 Select Committe wrapped up a short time ago and it ended with a vote to Supoena Donald Trump to speak to the Select Committee. The vote passed uninamously though everyone knows it’s unlikely Trump would actually answer.

The 1/6 Committee will publish their final report by the end of this year, likely sometime in December. By then, the Midterms will have come and gone. At the very least, they will have completed their work before the the changeover happens in January 2023.

Republican Committee members Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger will both be gone by January. Cheney and Kinzinger were basically kicked out of GOP for their work with the 1/6 Select Committee. Kinzinger announced earlier this year he is not going to seek another term due to death threats against him and his family while Cheney was Primaried. Cheney did announce she is leaving the party and has vowed to continue to do everything she can to keep Trump from becoming President again in 2024 after her term in Congress ends in January though.

For all the comparisons many in the media as well as presidental historians have made between Trump and Nixon’s Watergate scandal, there is one key difference that can’t be overlooked. After Watergate happened, the GOP turned on Nixon when the facts became clear to them. GOP Congressional leaders told him he had to resign or they would vote to impeach him. That was the GOP putting what’s best for the country before the party, let alone one man.

In comparison, Trump was impeached twice and in both cases the GOP almost unamimously united to defend him. Why? Because this is not the 1970s GOP. The current Republican Party is only concerned with power by any means for the sake of power. They know what kind of person Trump is and they obviously do not care.

Many Republican voters–even those who don’t like Trump and never voted for him–will tell you they considered the two impeachments and the 1/6 Select Committee’s investigation to be nothing more than partisanism taken to an unhealthy extreme. More so now that Trump is no longer president. On that note, it’s a fact the votes are not there for Trump to win the 2024 Presidental Election. And he knows it. This is also why he is looking to return to the White House without having to go through the trouble of being elected.

The 1/6 Select Committee did its job of proving to enough Americans in the middle Trump and his allies in the GOP are a clear and present danger to the country. That’s just for now and the next few years though. I’ll speak to this in more depth in the next post but there is also a much bigger danger from the Far Left that has mostly been ignored by the media over the last 20 years. If it’s not addressed or called out for what it is, we’ll be setting ourselves up to go from dealing with Far Right Extremist movements to Far Left Extremist Movements back to back.

One inconvenient truth most will agree with regardless of politics Trump’s presidency exposed is how hard it is for either party to hold one of their own accountable when they start crossing lines. As a reminder, I am not a  Democrat myself and haven’t been since the summer of 2016. The more I learn, the more I wish I left the party sooner but I’ll get into that in my next post since I plan to do a bit of a deep dive.



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Don’t overlook the double standard from the GOP on the billions in military aid being given to Ukraine

Why the U.S. is succeeding in Ukraine after failing in Iraq and Afghanistan

I don’t mean because of the timing with the upcoming midterms. I just mean the fact Ukraine has been beating the Russian Military’s ass. I’m not going to mince words here: The Republican Party wants the world to know Putin is a friend to them. Why? Because they have authoritorian plans for America and they need to be called out on it.

I watched a few networks and read some online articles and the one point pundit and author alike made clear was basically this: Ukraine keeps beating Russa’s ass, Putin ramps up the rhetoric on using nukes. Okay. The simple solution to the GOP and Russia’s allies elsewhere? Let Russia do whatever it wants to Ukraine unopposed and unimpeded.

Yes, really.

Nevermind the fact Putin wants to wipe Ukraine off the map. Nevermind the fact this war was unprovoked. Nevermind the fact most of the world has united against Russia and in support of Ukraine.

It’s laughable to me Republicans suddenly want to try to accuse Biden of moving the country closer to nuclear war with Russia. It’s pathetic–and should not be forgotten–they’ve convinced most of their base defending a sovereign democratic ALLY being attacked by Putin in a war for their own survival is wasteful spending. They’re playing politics with the lives of the 60 milion people who live in Ukraine and the millions more who relied on Ukraine’s aid before the conflict.

This is something I absolutely can’t keep quiet about because of the double standard. As a reminder, Texas and Florida’s governors are sending assylum seekers–they call them “illiegal immigrants”–to California, New York, Massachusetts and Illinois on buses and planes. Tax payers in both states are footing the bills for those buses and planes by the way. That’s fair game to the Republican Party but helping Ukraine survive is “wasteful spending”? Bullshit.

Putin made this clear to the world before Russia invaded: He does not believe Ukraine should exist as an independent nation. That was always the basis of Russia’s invasion. Everything else was just self-justification for the conflict and why he wants to be the one to decide when it ends. Putin wanted to take Ukraine unopposed–and initially the world expected Russia to take Kyiv within 72 hours– but Ukraine the exact opposite happened.

As a reminder, Putin views international aid to Ukraine as extending the conflict he wanted. He has convinced his allies in the GOP Biden is prolonging the conflict and wasting money on Ukraine. This is why the GOP opposes helping Ukraine. That and just being contrary to Biden just for the sake of being contrary.

Biden has so far managed to keep not just U.S. Troops but NATO forces out of Ukraine. Volodomir Zelensky is well aware neither the U.S. or NATO are interested in getting involved militarily unless absolutely necessary. This is why he has only been asking for weapons, weapons training and humanitarian aid obviously.

The Ukrainians have no problem fighting the Russian Military and they should be commended for that. Think about it: If things went as originally expected, World War III would have started by now. Instead, Ukraine’s bought the world some time.

North Korea’s reasoning for suddenly going all-in with developing Nukes is what Russia is doing to Ukraine. He is TERRIFIED of the idea of a large neighbor–Russia or China–deciding to invade at the drop of the hat. In their minds, having Nukes gives their neighbors pause. The world rallying to aid Ukraine also gave China pause about invading Taiwan. They have been notably quiet for that reason. They know they’d be able to take Taiwan very quickly but the problem is the international blockade sure to come, keeping them from freely controlling the island.


After Vietnam, American Society's Relationship with Its Military Was Badly Frayed. After Twenty Years of Post-9/11 Wars, It Is Again. - Modern War Institute

The world will be nervously watching the Midterms next month. As a reminder, the GOP has officially adopted the policy “If I don’t win, they cheated”. Everyone will be watching to see who will follow Trump’s lead and refuse to accept their loss during the Midterms. The GOP wants to destabilize the country politically and then blame Biden and the Dems for it. Period.

At the same time, beware the Bothsidesism both Dems and GOP have been playing in many regards politically. If the growing hostile rhetoric is any indication, the Dems appear to be gearing up to kick Progressives out of the party in the near future. They won’t do it now but likely will make a push towards that after the midterms.


Because Establishment Dems have come to view Progessive Dems as a threat to their interests. Especially Alexandria Oscario-Cortez. They’re cordial because they need her help getting young voters but they know she doesn’t need them. She has already signaled she is prepared to not back Biden for the 2024 election. The DNC will not allow anyone to run against Biden for the Democratic nomination if he declares for 2024 so your only options are to either shut up or run as a third party candidate.

This is situation within the party is also part of why the Dems have been relentlessly attacking Forward Party co-founder Andrew Yang at every opportunity. Yang was a part of a panel on CNN Monday evening and I couldn’t help but notice the open hostility toward him. The Forward Party will probably not be the only political party to form ahead of the 2024 election. On a related not, Andew Yang is definitely not running for president in 2024 either. He knows that would be a waste of time.

There’s been a lot of buzz around Tulsi Gabbard abruptly leaving the Democratic Party earlier this week as well. Based on her explaination for leaving, she’s going to become a Republican sooner than later. Either she runs for Senate or will run for President in 2024. One or the other. Honestly, to me it sounds like she was brainwashed based on what she said because it’s a complete about face to everything she stood for. Not saying she’s not allowed to have a change in perspectives but this just feels really, really unhealthy to put it nicely.


Political Map of the continental US States - Nations Online Project

No one can predict the future accurately but one thing I can say for sure is this country is probably going to split into two or three sooner than later politically. The Dems and Republicans want their own version of America and since they can’t get the whole country, they’ll settle for carving up the country based on political ideologies.

I feel like this will be one “compromise” agreed to by both sides to avoid or at least delay the country being plunged into Civil War. States, counties, cities and towns will vote to decide if which side they want to be in with a neutral option available. It will basically be a one country with two or more government systems.

This is nothing more than speculation on my part. I want to be clear about that but the signs are obvious we’ll be officially taking the “United” out of America in the near future. I’ll just put it like that.



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Hunter Biden facing criminal charges on two fronts and an announcement could happen anytime [UPDATED]

Hunter Biden: The struggles and scandals of the US president's son - BBC News

The timing for this development really, really sucks for not just Joe Biden but the Democrats. I thought it was a bit odd the GOP’s public attacks against Biden over his son Hunter suddenly stopped a few months ago. Thanks to this development, now I know why. As a reminder, Hunter Biden was one of the GOP’s favorite political punching bags since the 2020 election because of his past drug addiction and then the belief the White House helped him sell a painting he made.

It goes without saying this situation puts Joe Biden in a very uncomfortable position. The conflict of interest aside, given his family’s history there’s no way he will be able stay out of it. More so given the timing. The stress would probably kill him as a parent, nevermind a parent who is also the POTUS. This is easily a situation in which Biden needs to step aside–as in resign–if his son is charged. It’s a distraction the Dems and the country doesn’t need right now is why.

The GOP is hoping Hunter is charged before the Midterms so they can use him and his father as political fodder. Weather it’s before or after the Midterms, Biden does need to make a public statement immediately if charges against his son are announced. I would prepare to take over as president if I’m Kamala Harris should Hunter be charged.

It’s not exactly a secret Biden is not popular even among Democrats. He did his job of denying Trump a second term–that was all anyone expected from him like I said before–but there is a reason almost no Dems are saying they want him to run again in 2024. I stand by what I said a few months ago when I said Biden will be a 1-term president. I do think another Dem will be on the ballot in 2024.

Those who say there is no clear successor to Biden but the same is true of the GOP to an extent right now. That’s how both parties operate: Candidates and politicians are selected, not elected. The DNC pushed Biden to run in 2020 because they knew that if they didn’t, Bernie Sanders probably would have secured the Democratic Nomination early on and they wanted to avoid a repeat of what happened in 2016. Sanders saw it coming and it’s why he back off early on despite knowing he would probably never be able to run for president again.

Establishment Dems hate Progressive Dems. I’ll just put it like that. They are probably desperately looking for someone to succeed Biden in 2024 and beyond right now if I had to guess. Someone who either is one of them or someone they feel they can control. Because they don’t want Ayanna Pressley or Alexandria Oscario-Cortez running for president in the near future.

Before all that, the coming weeks and next two years should be paid attention to very closely. It’s anyone’s guess at this point if the Dems can take the lead in the Senate. It’s looking more and more likely the Dems will hold the House and may even add some seats though.


Fox News' Sean Hannity is longest-running primetime cable news host in TV  history, passing Larry King | Fox News

Fox “News” host Sean Hannity may have finally taken things too far. Or rather one can only hope. Yesterday, Hannity played a portion of a phone conversation betweeen Biden and his son Hunter. The conversation took place sometime in 2018 and has been verified as being authentic. The audio is basically Biden urging his son to get help with his drug addiction.

As a reminder, Hannity is a close friend of Donald Trump’s. For most of Trump’s term, Fox “News” was basically the official news network of the Trump’s Administration. Hannity has likely been patiently waiting for news of Hunter Biden potentially facing criminal charges for four years just so he could release this audio clip.

Unfortunately for Hannity, his clearly nasty and malicious ntentions backfired. Hard. Instead of sounding weak, Biden sounds human. Whoops!

The release of the audio has been universally condemned by both Democratic and Republican politicians as well as other media outlets. I’m not expecting Rupert Murdoch to do this but Hannity should be fired for this. This was just really, REALLY disgusting and shameful of Hannity. Other media outlets need to call him, Fox “News” and Murdoch out on it too.



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