Say it with me, people: There is no Far Left equivalent to the Far Right. And the Right already knows this to be true.

A Light of Hope

The media working hard to validate nonsense needs to stop. Now. Time is running out and people need to know of the imminent threat to not just our Democracy but their very lives.

This is breaking news for those who’ve been following this blog since 2016 but probably not a surprise. I will be launching a new blog VERY SOON dedicated to doing what the news media has not only repeatedly failed to do but continues to ignore.

I’m talking about the American Civil War to come that I’ve been eluding to for quite some time being planned in plain sight. Some folks have long dismissed my talk of Civil War as “fearmongering” and “meritless”. Well, the people setting it in motion want you to know “the storm is coming”.

Why isn’t the news media talking about the clear and present danger in plain sight? Two reasons: Conflicts of interest and Trump’s attacks on the media for almost 10 years have largely succeeded.

You see, the media’s love-hate relationship with Trump now causes most people to change the channel as soon as his name comes up on the news. I certainly do it. I don’t need to know what he, his handlers or his underlings think of anything. Ask any professor of journalism and they will tell you the same thing they tell their aspiring students: These days, a journalist’s first priority is to the shareholders. Not the truth. Not the public interest. Making money for whoever they work under.

THAT’S the conflict of interest I’m referring to. It’s also why the news media’s hands are prettymuch tied when it comes to domestic threats. We learned as much from journalists who intentionally withheld information that could have kept Trump or other out of office just so they could profit from a book deal later on. That’s how bad things are in the media world now.

From the moment Trump came down the elevator in 2016, he had accepted his primary role of being the distraction while others did their part from the shadows. He keeps the news media’s attention while people like Mike Lindell, Steve Bannon, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Roger Stone and General Mike Flynn launched a psyop that has ensnared at least a third of Americans and at least a quarter of active duty U.S. Military.

Things have taken a very concerning turn in recent years with the sharp rise of Christian Fundamentalism in the U.S. Mainstream News Media has made it clear for decades they are stearing CLEAR of anything Christian-related because they “don’t want to poke the bear”. That demographic the media always refers to as “Evangelicals” are everything but that. They can’t call them the Christian Nationals that they really are because they fear that base.

…Not me and certainly not the very good folks I am recruiting as Co-Editors and Co-Writers for the new blog to come. I have someone who has been elbows deep investigating QAnon for three years. This person has basically done in three years what the media failed to do in seven: Unmask who “Q” really was, what the plan around that was at the time, what’s happening now, what’s coming and most importantly, how we can counter the threats to come.

I am not naming the person here yet but I will once I’ve secured their help for the new blog. I reached out and they have graciously agreed to help with this massive endeavor but we’ll need to talk and go over some details before I feel comfortable naming them. If you follow me on Xitter (@LavonDavis617) then you probably have a pretty good idea of who I am referring to. They don’t hide their identity but in the interests of not giving those who work day and night to undermine this person on Xitter a heads up, I won’t name them yet.

I do have a short list of high-profile people who are experts in the areas of undue influence, psychological warfare and information warfare that I am going to request the assistance of with the new blog.

As for the name of the new blog, I’ve decided to call it Bitter Realities.

The name is a good fit for its purpose which is to explain in layman’s terms how and why America is on the brink of Civil War. We’ll go in depth with a lot of Inconvenient truths. Not just with articles but videos, live chats, inteviews and much more. This will be a team effort since this will be far too big for one person to do alone. Fortunately, WordPress as a platform is uniquely suited for the job.

What moved me to take this drastic step is thanks in large part to the person I eluded to earlier. Thanks to that person’s relentless efforts, I have a much clearer understanding of the integral role of Christian Nationalist movements in the chaos they are helping to soon to be unleashed in America. It’s unforgivable they are being allowed to openly indoctrinate millions of unsuspecting people in churches large and small across the U.S. in plain sight. Unforgivable but not surprising all things considered. Ths new blog will cover all this as well.

I plan to spend weeks if not months getting things together before launching the new blog. I have people to recruit for this endeavor as well as a new Gmail account to set up since this new blog will be run from a separate WordPress account to make it easier for those I’ll be working with. This will be a long term effort to say the least but I’m committed to see it done.

Enough is enough. People need to know what exactly we will soon be dealing with. I know I’m not making a lot of sense to many right now but more info on this will come.


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